*Indian-Summer School on Linked Data*
                Leipzig, Sep 12-18, 2011

ISSLOD takes place in late summer with hopefully still a lot of Indian
Summer (i.e. Altweibersommer / Бабье лето) sunshine rays.

The Linked Data methodology is a light-weight approach to facilitate the
transition from the document Web to the Web of Data and ultimately a
Semantic Web. With a wide availability of Linked Data tools and
knowledge bases, a steadily growing R&D community, industrial
applications, the Linked Data paradigm already became crucial building
block of the Web architecture.

ISSLOD is primarily intended for postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students,
postdocs, and other young researchers investigating aspects related to
the Semantic Data Web. The Summer School will also be open to senior
researchers wishing to learn about Semantic Web issues related to their
own fields of research.

For further details please visit: http://lod2.eu/ISSLOD/

ISSLOD is organized by the EU-FP7 project "LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out
of Interlinked Data". Lecturers comprise distinguished experts from LOD2
member organizations as well as invited speakers, the majority of which
will - apart from their lectures - also be present for the duration of
the school to interact with students. Interaction with senior
researchers and establishing contacts within young researchers is a main
focus of the school, which will be supported through social activities
and an interactive, amicable atmosphere.

   ISSLOD Application Deadline: 30 July 2011
   Notifications:                5 August 2011
   ISSLOD:                   12-18 September 2011

There will be a limited number of student grants available. Details of
the registration process will be announced on the Web site, after the
application deadline. We will keep the registration fee low (175 EUR)
and provide reasonable accomodation packages (less than 40 EUR per
night) for students.

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