
Always a pleasure to hear from you.

On 11 Jun 2011, at 18:55, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
> There already exists such a type that is a W3C recommendation. It is
> called rdf:PlainLiteral - see
> I'm not sure why RDF 1.1 working group is not aware of that.

Thank you for your contribution. The RDF WG is well aware of that.

>> It's just that the designers don't seem to care much about the 
>> distinction between information resources and angels and pinheads. This is 
>> the prevalent attitude outside of this mailing list and we should come to 
>> terms with this.
> I think we should foster a greater level of respect for representation
> choices here. Your dismissal of the distinction between information
> resources and what they are about insults the efforts of many
> researchers and practitioners and their efforts in domains where such
> a distinction in quite important. Let's try not to alienate part of
> this community in order to interoperate with another.

Look, Alan. I've wasted eight years arguing about that shit and defending 
httpRange-14, and I'm sick and tired of it. Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, 
Freebase and the New York Times are violating httpRange-14. I consider that 
battle lost. I recanted. I've come to embrace agnosticism and I am not planning 
to waste any more time discussing these issues.


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