
On 6/17/2011 4:11 PM, Leigh Dodds wrote:

On 17 June 2011 14:04, Tim Berners-Lee<ti...@w3.org>  wrote:

On 2011-06 -17, at 08:51, Ian Davis wrote:

Quite. When a facebook user clicks the "Like" button on an IMDB page
they are expressing an opinion about the movie, not the page.

BUT when the click a "Like" button on a blog they are expressing they like the
blog, not the movie it is about.

AND when they click "like" on a facebook comment they are
saying they like the comment not the thing it is commenting on.

And on Amazon people say "I found this review useful" to
like the review on the product being reviewed, separately from
rating the product.
So there is a lot of use out there which involves people expressing
stuff in general about the message not its subject.

Well even that's debatable.

I just had to go and check whether Amazon reviews and Facebook
comments actually do have their own pages. That's because I've never
seen them presented as anything other than objects within another
container, either in a web page or a mobile app. So I think you could
argue that when people are "linking" and marking things as useful,
they're doing that on a more general abstraction, i.e. the "Work" (to
borrow FRBR terminology) not the particular web page.

Well, that is obviously the level where the (abstract) information resource is located (can be located), or? ;)



PS: cf., e.g., http://odontomachus.wordpress.com/2011/02/13/frbr-and-the-web/ ;)

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