On 18 Jun 2011, at 17:09, AzamatAbdoullaev wrote:

> HS wrote: "The recent discussions on this list were very much about how to 
> avoid making distinctions unless you have to (Just-In-Time Distinctions?) So 
> why are the above distinctions needed? Particularly with regard to this 
> conversation."
> It concerns your talks, going under the overpromising and undelivering title, 
> "Philosophy and the Social Web", starting from the epithet "the web is now 
> philosophical engineering".
> Missing the distinctions is leading to such poor online services as the 
> schema.org's types.

What is missing is an argument from how not making four philosophical 
distinctions can lead to schema.org :-)

I think the talk shows quite clearly how philosophy and the web are coming 
together at many different levels, from the philosophy of language and 
reference, to the philosophy of mind. I thought the talk was long enough as is. 
It took me quite a while to put together.

But all that is talk. I am back to hacking away to build some of this stuff. 


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Henry Story
> To: AzamatAbdoullaev
> Cc: semantic-...@w3.org ; public-lod@w3.org ; Harry Halpin ; adasal
> Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 10:58 AM
> Subject: Re: Hackers - Re: Schema.org considered helpful
> On 18 Jun 2011, at 08:13, AzamatAbdoullaev wrote:
>> HS: "I gave a talk on the philosophy of the Social Web if you are 
>> interested."
>>  http://www.slideshare.net/bblfish/philosophy-and-the-social-web-5583083
>> For the specifics of TBL's motto, "the web as a philosophical engineering", 
>> see Harry's article:
>> http://www.apaonline.org/publications/newsletters/v07n2_Computers_04.aspx
>> Some interesting assertions: "we are not analyzing a world, we are building 
>> it. We are not experimental philosophers, we are philosophical engineers." ; 
>> "online intelligence is generated through complex causal interaction in an 
>> extended brain-body-environment system"; "The Web is ...the creation and 
>> evolution of external representations in a universal information space".
>> I'd extend: if the the world wide web is "a universal information space", 
>> the semantic/ontological web is a universal knowledge space.
>> And we need avoid confusing four fields: philosophical engineering, 
>> philosophy of engineering, engineering philosophy, and engineering of 
>> philosophy.
> The recent discussions on this list were very much about how to avoid making 
> distinctions unless you have to (Just-In-Time Distinctions?) So why are the 
> above distinctions needed? Particularly with regard to this conversation.
>> Azamat
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Henry Story
>> To: adasal
>> Cc: Lin Clark ; Bjoern Hoehrmann ; Linked Data community ; Semantic Web
>> Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 8:48 PM
>> Subject: Re: Hackers - Re: Schema.org considered helpful
>> On 17 Jun 2011, at 19:27, adasal wrote:
>>> That said the hacker is a various beast,
>> Indeed, hackers are not angels. But the people on this list should get back 
>> to hacking or work together with open source projects to get initial minimal 
>> working pieces embedded there. WebID is one; foaf is another, pingback, 
>> access control, ...
>> Get the really simple pieces working.
>>> and I wonder if this sort of thing can really be addressed without 
>>> overarching political/ethical/idealogical concerns. It's tough. 
>> It all fits together really nicely. I gave a talk on the philosophy of the 
>> Social Web if you are interested.
>>  http://www.slideshare.net/bblfish/philosophy-and-the-social-web-5583083
>> Hackers tend to be engineers with a political attitude, so they are more 
>> receptive to the bigger picture. But solving the big picture problem should 
>> have an easy entry cost if we want to get it going. 
>> I talked to the BBC but they have limited themselves to what they will do in 
>> the Social Web space as far as profile hosting goes. Again, I'd start small. 
>> Facebook started in universities not that long ago.
>> Henry
>> Social Web Architect
>> http://bblfish.net/
> Social Web Architect
> http://bblfish.net/

Social Web Architect

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