Very nice job!
Is there a SPARQL endpoint available as well? I could not find it...

On Jun 20, 2011, at 10:34  - 20/06/11, Bernhard Haslhofer wrote:

> Hi,
> we are happy to announce the first Europeana Linked Open Data Pilot release: 
> currently contains metadata on 3.5 million texts, images, 
> videos and sounds gathered by Europeana ( These 
> objects come from content providers who have reacted early and positively to 
> Europeana's initiative of promoting more open data and new data exchange 
> agreements. These collections come from 10 direct Europeana providers 
> encompassing around 300 cultural institutions from 17 countries. This gives 
> us an RDF dump containing approximately 185M triples.
> Here is an example URI to get started with: 
> We appreciate your feedback for further enhancements. Please contact us [1] 
> or post to this list!
> - Bernhard & Antoine
> [1]

Daniel Schwabe                      Dept. de Informatica, PUC-Rio
Tel:+55-21-3527 1500 r. 4356        R. M. de S. Vicente, 225<br>
Fax: +55-21-3527 1530               Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22453-900, Brasil

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