
Have you seen the work the UK Government has done in the last week?

Every UK Government Central Government Department, Executive Agency and
Arms Length Body has published information about itself, using RDF. It's
a *huge* number of organisations publishing RDF data for the first time
(over 100 UK Government organisations published their first RDF last
week!!). It proves that Linked Data is ready for prime time delivery of
government policy commitments on the web. The RDF data is based on the
organisation ontology, plus a number of other vocabularies (from DCT,
FOAF etc to VOID).

You will find a list of organisations with RDF data here:

This is available for browsing through the Linked Data API driven
visualisations, from:

For example:

I suggest you click through to the Linked Data API Explorer views and
have a nose at the turtle and various concept schemes.

For example:

Hope that helps?


On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 15:19 +0200, Michael Meder wrote:
> Hi,
> anybody knows an ontology describing the administrative structure of
> governments? With concepts like senates, departments, different types
> of phone numbers (internal/external), room number etc.
> I found and tried
> http://www.epimorphics.com/public/vocabulary/org.html “An organization
> ontology”, maybe you know something better?
> Regards,
> Micha
> ---
> Dipl.-Inform. Michael Meder
> Competence Center Information Retrieval & Machine Learning 
> DAI-Labor - Technische Universität Berlin
> Sekr. TEL 14
> Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7 
> 10587 Berlin
> Tel:  +49 30 314 74073
> Fax: +49 30 314 74003
> E-Mail: michael.me...@dai-labor.de
> http://www.dai-labor.de

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