On 6/22/11 2:18 PM, glenn mcdonald wrote:
Why is anybody having to "crawl" an open semantic-web dataset? Isn't there a "download" link, and/or a SPARQL endpoint? If there isn't, why not? We're the Semantic Web, dammit. If we aren't the masters of data interoperability, what are we?
Well, as I said, at the onset of this community, we did speak about the need for SPARQL endpoint and RDF dump combos. Unfortunately, SPARQL endpoints or RDF dumps became the norm re. Linked Data publishing. Thus, as is always the case with us humans, prevention never works because we prefer cures post catastrophe :-(

We've had to grapple with these matters and more re. DBpedia (in particular) and other Linked Data spaces we've contributed to the public. I am happy to see these matters are finally resurfacing courtesy of experiences elsewhere.



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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