Hi all,


we are happy to announce the initial release of the LDIF – Linked Data
Integration Framework today.


LDIF is a software component for building Linked Data applications which
translates heterogeneous Linked Data from the Web into 

a clean, local target representation while keeping track of data provenance.


Applications that consume Linked Data from the Web are confronted with the
following two challenges:


1. data sources use a wide range of different RDF vocabularies to represent
data about the same type of entity.

2. the same real-world entity, for instance a person or a place, is
identified with different URIs within different data sources. 


The usage of various vocabularies as well as the usage of URI aliases makes
it very cumbersome for an application developer to write for instance SPARQL
queries against Web data that originates from multiple sources. 


A successful approach to ease using Web data in the application context is
to translate heterogeneous data into a single local target vocabulary and to
replace URI aliases with a single target URI on the client side before
starting to ask SPARQL queries against the data. 


Up-till-now, there have not been any integrated tools available that help
application developers with these tasks. 


With LDIF, we try to fill this gap and provide an initial alpha version of
an open-source Linked Data Integration Framework that can be used by Linked
Data applications to translate Web data and normalize URI aliases.


For Identity resolution, LDIF builds on the Silk Link Discovery Framework.

For data translation, LDIF employs the R2R Mapping Framework. 

More information about LDIF and a concrete usage example is provided on the
LDIF website at




Lots of thanks to 


Andreas Schultz (FUB) 

Andrea Matteini (MES) 

Robert Isele (FUB) 

Christian Becker (MES) 


for their great work on the framework.









The development of LIDF is supported in part by Vulcan Inc. as part of its
Project Halo and by the EU FP7 project LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of
Interlinked Data (Grant No. 257943). 



Prof. Dr. Christian Bizer

Web-based Systems Group

Freie Universität Berlin

+49 30 838 55509

 <http://www.bizer.de> http://www.bizer.de

 <mailto:ch...@bizer.de> ch...@bizer.de


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