Hi all!

After a long time of absence we are happy that we made it to release a new
demo of our semantic content authoring tool loomp. The system was completely

Since RDFa editors were a recent topic on this list
(http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-lod/2011Jul/0057.html) we want
to emphasize the core feature of our new version: Now loomp consists of two
independent components, the One Click Annotator (OCA) for enriching content
semantically and the loomp API for managing contents and the extracted RDF
data [1]. In contrast to the PHP and TinyMCE prototype of loomp [2] the new
API can be accessed by any tool or WYSIWYG/WYSIWYM editor so that you can
flexibly build the end user interface of your choice. In our case we
implemented the client (OCA) using Grails and GWT.

Project homepage: http://loomp.org
Demo: http://demo.loomp.org 

Your feedback is very welcome.

Best regards,

[1] - Ralf Heese, Markus Luczak-Rösch, Adrian Paschke, Radoslaw Oldakowski
and Olga Streibel, "One Click Annotation", 6th Workshop on Scripting and
Development for the Semantic Web, co-located with ESWC 2010, Crete, Greece,
May 31, 2010.
[2] - Markus Luczak-Rösch and Ralf Heese, "Linked Data Authoring for
Non-Experts", Linked Data on the Web Workshop at WWW2009, Madrid, Spain,
April 20, 2009.

Markus Luczak-Rösch (Dipl.-Inform.)| Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer/Grad. Research Associate  | Dept. of Computer Science
Networked Information Systems WG   | Königin-Luise-Str. 24/26
                                   | D-14195 Berlin
www.ag-nbi.de                      | Phone: +49 30 838 75226
www.markus-luczak.de               | luc...@inf.fu-berlin.de
                                   | Skype: markus_luczak

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