On 18 August 2011 02:37, Giovanni Tummarello
<giovanni.tummare...@deri.org> wrote:
> Hi Danny,
> i liked sparallax a lot, problem is its hard to maintain. David didnt
> upgrade parallax any longer and the intern who did the "sparql to MQL"
> conversion that allows sparallax to operate on sparql is now not
> working with us anymore. Hard to say how difficult it would be to
> progress on that project

That's a shame. Hope it finds a new champion (might well have a fiddle myself).

> On the other hand in terms of browser i am going to be sponsoring
> development of TFacets ,


which is pretty good IMO, so we might be
> releasing a new version in a few months together with the original
> developer of course. What do you think of that?

Great stuff, keep up the good work!



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