
[Aside: changing the subject line so we can have a clearer discussion]

On 17 October 2011 14:58, Norman Gray <nor...@astro.gla.ac.uk> wrote:
> I've done far fewer talks of this type than Tom has, but I've never found 
> anyone having difficulty here, either.  Mind you, I never talk of 
> 'information resource' or httpRange-14.
> For what it's worth, I generally say something along the lines of "This URI, 
> X, is the name of a galaxy.  If you put that URI into your
> browser, you can't get the galaxy back, can you, because the galaxy is too 
> big to fit inside your computer.  So something different has to
> happen, doesn't it?"  A remark about Last-Modified generally seals the deal.

I've done the same, and people do quite often get it. At least for a
few minutes :) I think my experience echoes Rob's more than Tom's.
I've had more than one Linked Data talk/tutorial de-railed by debate
and discussion of the issue when there are much more interesting
aspects to explore.

While I've not used the galaxy example, I have taken similar
approaches. But I can also imagine saying, for example:

"This URI, X, is the name of a galaxy.  If you put that URI into your
browser, obviously you can't get the galaxy back, can you. So when you
request it, you get back a representation of it. You know, just like
when you request a file from a web server you don't download the
*actual* file, just a representation of it. Possibly in another

And further, if someone asked about Last-Modified dates:

"Last-Modified? Well as it turns out the Last-Modified date isn't
defined to be the date that a resource last changed. It's up to the
origin server to decide what it means. So for something like a galaxy,
it can be the date of our last observation".

My point being that web architecture already has a good explanation as
to why real-world, or even digital things are passed around the
internet. That's why we have the Resource and Representation
abstractions in the first place.

So, can we turn things on their head a little. Instead of starting out
from a position that we *must* have two different resources, can we
instead highlight to people the *benefits* of having different
identifiers? That makes it more of a best practice discussion and one
based on trade-offs: e.g. this class of software won't be able to
process your data correctly, or you'll be limited in how you can
publish additional data or metadata in the future.

I don't think I've seen anyone approach things from that perspective,
but I can't help but think it'll be more compelling. And it also has
the benefits of not telling people that they're right or wrong, but
just illustrate what trade-offs they are making.

Is this not something we can do on this list? I suspect it'd be more
useful than attempting to categorise, yet again, the problems of hash
vs slash URIs. Although a canonical list of those might be useful to
compile once and for all.

Anyone want to start things off?

As a leading question: does anyone know of any deployed semantic web
software that will reject or incorrectly process data that flagrantly
ignores httprange-14?



Leigh Dodds
Product Lead, Kasabi
Mobile: 07850 928381

Talis Systems Ltd
43 Temple Row
B2 5LS

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