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    LAPIS 2012
    Linked APIs for the Semantic Web
    ESWC 2012 workshop

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"The Web as I envisioned it, we have not seen it yet."
  – Tim Berners-Lee

"Services and the Semantic Web: it's complicated."
  – anonymous gossip

"Semantic Web and APIs: an essential problem in need of a fresh look."
  – LAPIS 2012 mission

 Challenge for Papers – What do *you* have to say about Linked APIs and the 
Semantic Web?

LAPIS 2012 in 5 questions

Why?       The Web has changed: services become resource-oriented APIs. We must 
react now.
Goal?      Exploring the opportunities resource-oriented APIs offer, especially 
in combination with links.
For whom?  Motivated researchers from the REST, Semantic Web, and Linked Data 
What?      A truly interactive workshop, driven by constructive discussion and 
Format?    An inspiring day. Morning: talks and dialog. Afternoon: brainstorm 
and discussion

LAPIS 2012 in 5 bullets
The main goal of the LAPIS workshop is to give birth to new ideas and visions, 
through presentations that encourage interaction and discussion. Topics of 
discussion include:

- defining Linked APIs, what they could look like, and what role links can play
- identifying the essential building blocks for enabling Linked APIs
- pinpointing challenges to move from resource-oriented APIs towards Linked APIs
- capturing added value of Linked APIs for the Semantic Web and REST communities
- designing applications by connecting Linked Data and Linked APIs for reading 
and writing
The above list is not exhaustive and we therefore actively encourage 
participants to be creative.

LAPIS 2012 wants your submission
Regular paper (8 pages)
    Regular papers focus on new ideas or technologies you have developed that 
relate to Linked APIs.
    We are very open-minded towards the workshop scope, and expect the same 
from you.
    Be original. Be creative. But most of all: be at least a little 
controversial – generate discussion.
    We're not looking for the next Big Invention. Workshop participants want to 
discover and to learn.
    Details: http://lapis2012.linkedservices.org/call-for-papers/
Vision paper (4 pages)
    Vision papers focus on creative ideas and concepts, even if there are no 
concrete results yet.
    Having more questions than answers can in fact be a plus… if you find the 
right questions.
    Details: http://lapis2012.linkedservices.org/call-for-papers/
Wild ideas and discussion starters (1 paragraph)
    Besides the traditional papers component, we would also like to run an 
    We want your wildest ideas and discussion topics to make LAPIS 2012 an 
interactive workshop.
    Details: http://lapis2012.linkedservices.org/call-for-papers/

Motivated for this challenge?

Great! Visit us at http://lapis2012.linkedservices.org/
Your deadline is March 4th, 2012.

LAPIS 2012 is organized by Craig Knoblock, Barry Norton, Ruben Verborgh, 
Sebastian Speiser, and Maria Maleshkova.
LAPIS 2012 is driven by you, its participants. Come and discuss with us!


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