On Tue, 2011-12-20 at 09:51 -0800, Dave McAllister wrote:
> However, it is possible to record just the presentation portion,
> especially if using internet meeting software.  Since I'm only recording
> the presenter (and potentially other named speakers), and a moderator, it
> is easier to gain permission.

It looks to me like you might potentially need consent from everyone in
the audience, too, even though their voices aren't recorded, since they
are still, in a sense, a party to the conversation.  On the other hand,
it looks like maybe it's enough to announce clearly that you are


Since violating this is a criminal and civil matter, though, and there
might be other jurisdictions involved, I do not think it's a good idea
to record it without much more clear legal guidance.

> If it's just an audio stream though, it's probably not worth it.

Right.  :-)

    -- Sandro

> davemc
> -- 
> Dave McAllister
> Director, Open Source and Standards
> Core Services, Experience and Technology Organization
> Adobe Systems, Inc.
> W: +1 408-536-3881
> GC: +1 650-523-4942
> Linux Journal Editorial Adviser, http://www.linuxjournal.com
> On 12/20/11 9:45 AM, "Sandro Hawke" <san...@w3.org> wrote:
> >On Tue, 2011-12-20 at 07:52 -0800, Holm, Jeanne M (1760) wrote:
> >> Nikos--
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I'm not sure we'll be doing an audio recording, but let me checkÅ 
> >
> >As I understand it, the laws around audio recording make it too risky.
> >In particular, in some jurisdictions, including Massachusetts where our
> >phone bridge is, the law requires consent from *all* parties for
> >recording a telephone conversation.  Given the number of possible
> >attendees, and the difficulty of identifying each of them, let alone
> >getting their consent, I don't think it's practical.
> >
> >
> >    -- Sandro
> > 
> >> 
> >> We will be capturing the chat over IRC and that will be shortly a day
> >> or two after the meeting.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> --Jeanne
> >> 
> >> **********************************************************
> >> Jeanne Holm
> >> Evangelist, Data.gov
> >> U.S. General Services Administration
> >> Cell: (818) 434-5037
> >> Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn: JeanneHolm
> >> **********************************************************
> >> 
> >> 
> >> From: Nikos Roussos <ni...@autoverse.net>
> >> Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 03:50:01 -0800
> >> To: Jeanne Holm <jeanne.m.h...@jpl.nasa.gov>
> >> Cc: W3C eGov IG mailing list <public-egov...@w3.org>, Linked Data
> >> community <public-lod@w3.org>
> >> Subject: Re: W3C eGov Meeting Time Change: 20 December 5 pm Eastern
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Is there going to be an audio recording available after the meeting?
> >> 
> >> -- 
> >> Nikos Roussos
> >> about | linkedin
> >> 
> >> On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Holm, Jeanne M (1760)
> >> <jeanne.m.h...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> >>         Hi all--
> >>         
> >>         
> >>         Our W3C eGovernment Interest Group will be meeting tomorrow
> >>         with an exciting agenda on licensing issues around government
> >>         data and services.  One of our key speakers, Dr. Anne
> >>         Fitzgerald, is joining us from Brisbane and we'll be shifting
> >>         the time to better accommodate that time zone.  Apologies in
> >>         advance for keeping our European colleagues up late, and a
> >>         great opportunity for others to join at a more reasonable
> >>         time.
> >>         
> >>         
> >>         20 December, 10-11:30 pm GMT/5-6:30 pm EDT
> >>         21 December, 8-9:30 am Brisbane
> >>         
> >>         
> >>         Speakers:
> >>           --Dr. Anne Fitzgerald, University of
> >>         Queensland,
> >>http://www.law.qut.edu.au/staff/facstaff/afitzgerald.jsp
> >>           --Sarah Pearson and team, Creative
> >>         Commons, http://creativecommons.org/
> >>         
> >>         
> >>         Agenda:
> >>           --Licensing issues for open data and government services
> >>           --Impacts of licensing choices on providers and consumers of
> >>         data and services
> >>           --Looking at specific uses of Creative Commons
> >>           --Open questions
> >>         
> >>         
> >>         Verify your local event time
> >>         at 
> >>http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=W3C+eGovernment+
> >>Interest+Group+Licensing+Discussion&iso=20111220T17&p1=263&ah=1&am=30
> >>         
> >>         
> >>         To join, dial +1.617.761.6200 (for the Zakim bridge) and use
> >>         conference 3468 ("EGOV")
> >>         To join the chat, go to http://irc.w3.org/ and enter #egov for
> >>         the channel.
> >>         
> >>         
> >>         Looking forward to talking to you all tomorrow!
> >>         
> >>         
> >>         --Jeanne Holm
> >>         
> >>         **********************************************************
> >>         Jeanne Holm
> >>         Evangelist, Data.gov
> >>         U.S. General Services Administration
> >>         Cell: (818) 434-5037
> >>         Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn: JeanneHolm
> >>         **********************************************************
> >> 
> >> 
> >
> >
> >

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