
        2nd Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts (#MSM2012)
                         at WWW 2012

                        16 Apr 2012. Lyon, France



Making Sense of Microposts: Big things come in small packages

With the appearance and expansion of Twitter, Facebook Like, Foursquare, and 
similar low-effort publishing services, the effort required to participate on 
the Web is getting lower and lower. The high-end technology user and developer 
and the ordinary end user of ubiquitous, personal technology, such as the smart 
phone, contribute diverse information to the Web as part of informal and 
semi-formal communication and social activity. We refer to such small user 
input as 'microposts': these range from 'checkin' at a location on a geo-social 
networking platform, through to a status update on a social networking site. 
Online social media platforms are now very often the portal of choice for the 
modern technology user accustomed to sharing public-interest information. They 
are, increasingly, an alternative carrier to traditional media, as seen in 
their role in the Arab Spring and crises such as the 2011 Japan earthquake. 
Online social activity has also witnessed the blurring of the lines between 
private lives and the semi-public online social world, opening a new window 
into the analysis of human behaviour, implicit knowledge, and adaptation to and 
adoption of technology.

The challenge of developing novel methods for processing the enormous streams 
of heterogeneous, disparate micropost data in intelligent ways and producing 
valuable outputs, that may be used on a wide variety of devices and end uses, 
is more important than ever before. Google+ is one of the better-known new 
services, whose aim is to bootstrap microposts in order to more effectively 
tailor search results to a user's social graph and profile.

This workshop will examine, broadly:
* information extraction and leveraging of semantics from microposts, with a 
focus on novel methods for handling the particular challenges due to enforced 
brevity of expression;
* making use of the collective knowledge encoded in microposts' semantics in 
innovative ways;
* social and enterprise studies that guide the design of appealing and usable 
new systems based on this type of data, by leveraging Semantic Web technologies.

This workshop is unique in its interdisciplinary nature, targeting both 
Computer Science and the Social Sciences, to help also to break down the 
barriers to optimal use of Semantic Web data and technologies. The workshop 
will focus on both the computational means to handle microposts and the study 
of microposts, in order to identify the motivational aspects that drive the 
creation and consumption of such data.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the areas below. We 
especially encourage submissions from an interdisciplinary perspective, 
examining the use of semantic information extracted from microposts from 
Semantic Web, Social Sciences and other perspectives.

1. Microposts and Semantic Web technologies
    * Knowledge Discovery and Information Extraction
    * Factual Inference
    * Ontology/vocabulary modelling and learning from Microposts
    * Integrating Microposts into the Web of Linked Data

2. Social/Web Science studies
    * Analysis of Micropost data patterns
    * Political and polemical aspects of Microposts
    * Citizen empowerment through information availability
    * Motivations for creating and consuming Microposts
    * Relevance of Microposts and factors that influence them
    * Community/network analysis of Micropost dynamics
    * Ethics/privacy implications of publishing and consuming Microposts
    * Microposts in the corporate environment

3. Context
    * Utilising context (time, location, sentiment)
    * Contextual inference mechanisms
    * Social awareness streams and Online Presence
    * Event Detection and monitoring through Microposts

4. Applying Microposts
    * User profiling/recommendation/personalisation approaches using Microposts
    * Public opinion mining (i.e. political consensus, brand/product opinions)
    * Collective intelligence in inferring trends and making predictions
    * Expertise finding
    * Business analysis/market scanning
    * Urban sensing and location-based applications
    * Emergency systems and response


A keynote address will open the day. This will be followed by paper 
presentations. We will hold a poster and demo session to trigger further, more 
in-depth interaction between workshop participants. Key points raised during 
the keynote and the participant presentations will guide an open forum / panel 
discussion which will be used to conclude the workshop, with an aim to form a 
more permanent discussion group.


  * Full papers: 8 pages
  * Short and position papers: 4 pages
  * Demos: 2 pages
  * Mock-up interfaces: 2 page description AND one of:
        - storyboard (max A3)
        - video (90 second limit)

Written submissions should be prepared according to the ACM SIG Proceedings 
Template (see http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates), and 
should include author names and affiliations, and 3-5 keywords.
Submission is via the EasyChair Conference System, at: 
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=msm2012. Where a submission includes 
additional material submission should be made as a single, unencrypted zip file 
that includes a plain text file listing its contents.

Each submission will receive, in addition to a meta-review, at least 2 peer 
reviews, with full papers at least 3 peer reviews.


Submission of Abstracts: 03 Feb 2012
Paper Submission deadline (Extended!): 10 Feb 2012
Notification of acceptance: 06 Mar 2012
Camera-ready deadline:  23 Mar 2012

(all deadlines 23:59 Hawaii Time)

Workshop program issued: 08 Mar 2012
Proceedings published (CEUR): 31 Mar 2012
Workshop - 16 Apr 2012 (Registration open to all)

Note: Authors of accepted papers will be able to take advantage of the 
early-bird price for conference registration for a couple of days following 
notification of acceptance.


E-mail: msm2...@easychair.org
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_180472611974910
Twitter hashtag: #msm2012


Matthew Rowe, KMi, The Open University, UK
Milan Stankovic, Hypios/University Paris-Sorbonne, France
Aba-Sah Dadzie, University of Sheffield, UK


Fabian Abel, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Gholam R. Amin, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Sofia Angeletou, KMi, The Open University, UK
Pierpaolo Basile, University of Bari, Italy
Uldis Bojars, University of Latvia, Latvia
John Breslin, NUIG, Ireland
A. Elizabeth Cano, University of Sheffield, UK
Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Danica Damljanovic, University of Sheffield, UK
Ali Emrouznejad, Aston Business School, UK
Guillaume Ereteo, INRIA, France
Miriam Fernandez, KMi, The Open University, UK
Fabien Gandon, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Andres Garcia-Silva, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Anna Lisa Gentile, University of Sheffield, UK
Jon Hickman, Birmingham City University, UK
Seth van Hooland, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Jennifer Jones, University of the West of Scotland, UK
Jelena Jovanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Vita Lanfranchi, University of Sheffield, UK
Philippe Laublet, Universite Paris-Sorbonne, France
Joao Magalhaes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Julie Letierce, DERI, Galway, Ireland
Diana Maynard, University of Sheffield, UK
Pablo Mendes, Freie Universitat of Berlin, Germany
Jose M. Morales del Castillo, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Alexandre Passant, DERI, Galway, Ireland
Carlos Porcel, University of Jaen, Spain
Danica Radovanovic, Oxford Internet Institute, UK
Yves Raimond, BBC, UK
Harald Sack, University of Potsdam, Germany
Bernhard Schandl, University of Vienna, Austria
Andreas Sonnenbichler, KIT, Germany
Daniel Torres Salinas, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Raphael Troncy, Eurecom, France
Mischa Tuffield, PeerIndex, UK
Victoria Uren, Aston Business School, UK
Claudia Wagner, Joanneum Research, Austria
Shenghui Wang, Vrije University, The Netherlands
Katrin Weller, University of Dusseldorf, Germany
Ziqi Zhang, University of Sheffield, UK

Dr Matthew Rowe
Research Associate
Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt 
charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

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