Do you really think that base your proposal on the usage on a Powder
annotation is a good idea?

Sorry, but IMHO HttpRange-14 is a good enough agreement.

Kind regards,

On 22 March 2012 21:21, Jeni Tennison <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Hopefully you're all aware that there's a Call for Change Proposals [1] to 
> amend the TAG's long-standing HttpRange-14 decision [2]. Jonathan Rees has 
> put together a specification that expresses that decision in a more formal 
> way [3], against which changes need to be made.
> Leigh Dodds, Dave Reynolds, Ian Davis and I have put together a Change 
> Proposal [4], which I've copied below.
> From a publishing perspective, the basic change is that it becomes acceptable 
> for publishers to publish data about non-information resources with a 200 
> response; if a publisher want to provide licensing/provenance information 
> they can use a wdrs:describedby statement to point to a separate resource 
> about which such information could be provided.
> From a consumption perspective, the basic change is that consumers can no 
> longer assume that a 2XX response implies that the resource is an information 
> resource, though they can make that inference if the resource is the object 
> of a wdrs:describedby statement or has been reached by following a 303 
> redirection of a 'describedby' Link header.
> The aim of this email is not to start a discussion about the merits of this 
> or any other Change Proposal, but to make a very simple request: if you agree 
> with these changes, please can you add your name to the document at:
> That document also contains a link to the Google Doc version of the proposal 
> [4] if you want to add comments.
> We will not be making substantive changes to this Change Proposal: if you 
> want to suggest a different set of changes to the HttpRange-14 decision, I 
> heartily recommend that you create a Change Proposal yourself! :) You should 
> feel free to use this Change Proposal as a basis for yours if you want. Note 
> that the deadline for doing so is 29th March (ie one week from today) so that 
> the proposals can be discussed at the TAG F2F meeting the following week.
> Thanks,
> Jeni
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4] 
> ---
> Summary
> This proposal contains two substantive changes.
> First, it enables publishers to link to URI documentation for a given probe 
> URI by providing a 200 response to that probe URI that contains a statement 
> including a ‘describedby’ relationship from the probe URI to the URI 
> documentation.
> Second, a 200 response to a probe URI no longer implies that the probe URI 
> identifies an information resource; instead, this can only be inferred if the 
> probe URI is the object of a ‘describedby’ relationship.
> Rationale
> While there are instances of linked data websites using 303 redirections, 
> there are also many examples of people making statements about URIs 
> (particularly using HTML link relations, RDFa, microdata, and microformats) 
> where those statements indicate that the URI is supposed to identify a 
> non-information resource such as a Person or Book.
> Rather than simply telling these people that they are Doing It Wrong, 
> “Understanding URI Hosting Practice as Support for URI Documentation 
> Discovery” should ensure that:
>  * applications that interpret such data do not draw wrong conclusions about 
> these URIs simply because they return a 200 response without a describedby 
> Link header
>  * publishers of this data can easily upgrade to making the distinction 
> between the non-information resource that the page holds information about 
> and the information resource that is the page itself, should they discover 
> that they need to
> Details
> In section 4.1, in place of the second paragraph and following list, 
> substitute:
>  There are three ways to locate a URI documentation link in an HTTP response:
>  * using the Location: response header of a 303 See Other response 
> [httpbis-2],
>    e.g.
>    303 See Other
>    Location:>
>  • using a Link: response header with link relation 'describedby' ([rfc5988],
>    [powder]), e.g.
>    200 OK
>    Link: <>; rel="describedby"
>  • using a ‘describedby’ ([powder]) relationship within the RDF graph created
>    by interpreting the content of a 200 response, eg:
>    200 OK
>    Content-Type: text/turtle
>    PREFIX :<>
>    <>
>      :describedby <> ;
>      .
> Before the last paragraph of section 4.2 insert the following two paragraphs:
>  In the third case, where the ‘describedby’ relationship is used,
>  <> and
>  <> must be treated as 
> equivalent,
>  as defined in Section 4.1.4 Semantic Linkage Using the describedby Property 
> of
>  the POWDER Recommendation [powder].
> In the last paragraph of section 4.1, for “(But see below for the case when 
> retrieval is successful.)” substitute “The next section describes how to 
> interpret a 200 response, and therefore applies in the last two cases 
> described above.”
> In section 4.2, in place of the first paragraph (after the Editorial Note), 
> substitute:
>  If there is a nominal representation Z from the probe URI (a 2XX response),
>  and the application is aware of a ‘describedby’ relationship of which the
>  probe URI is the object, which may be the case because
>  * the probe URI is itself a URI linked to through one of the mechanisms
>    listed in Section 4.1 or
>  * Z itself contains a statement in which the probe URI is the object of a
>    ‘describedby’ relationship
>  then this is equivalent to there being a nominal URI documentation carrier
>  for the probe URI that says that Z is a current representation of the
>  resource identified by the probe URI, and, moreover, that the identified
>  resource is an "information resource" (see below). In other cases, no such
>  inference can be made (the application cannot tell whether the probe URI
>  identifies an information resource or not).
> We also recommend that a clear guide on best practices when publishing and 
> consuming data should be written, possibly an update to [cooluris].
> Impact
> Positive Effects
>  * common usage of URIs in sites supporting RDFa, microdata and microformats 
> are no longer deemed to be Doing It Wrong, which means this data can be 
> interpreted in the way that it was intended by those publishers by conformant 
> applications
>  * publishers that cannot change server configuration (to use 303s or Link 
> headers) can still use separate URIs to identify a non-information resource 
> and the information resource that describes it
>  * publishers who (through ignorance or preference) originally publish data 
> about non-information resources without using 303s or Link headers can retain 
> those URIs and add the ‘describedby’ statement
>  * it is possible to have multiple description documents for a given URI, 
> where a 303 response only allows one
>  * it means the same method can be used to provide descriptions of 
> non-information resources as is used for providing descriptions of 
> information resources, which aids adoption
>  * it means there is a standard method for providing links from documentation 
> to the thing that it documented
> Negative Effects
>  * existing applications that assume that a 200 response is only given for an 
> information resource may make false inferences about what a probe URI 
> identifies (but this happens already, as people already publish data in this 
> way)
>  * there are more cases where applications will have to draw on reasoning 
> from other properties (eg declared types of resources) to work out what a URI 
> identifies
>  * where a URI is intended to identify a NIR but provides a 200 response, 
> there remains no method of addressing the documentation that is returned by 
> that 200 response (to assert its license, provenance etc); a set of best 
> practices for linked data publishers would need to spell out what publishers 
> should do and how consumers should interpret the information provided within 
> the response and that found at the end of any ‘describedby’ links
> Conformance Classes Changes
> There is no mention of conformance classes in the document.
> Risks
> There are no risks.
> References
> [cooluris]
> Leo Sauermann and Richard Cyganiak. Cool URIs for the Semantic Web. W3C 
> Interest Group Note, 03 December 2008. (See 
> --
> Jeni Tennison

Sergio Fernández
CTIC - Technological Center
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