On 25.03.2012 11:19, Henry Story wrote:

   just found this SPDY presentation [1] from a Ruby programmer


   I like one of the last slides at the end "SPDY build on SSL" .
SPDY is now in Chrome and it Firefox. I've bumped it up on my
priority list as something to try out.

   In Java/Scala/JRuby/Groovy/Closure/JPhp... land the very efficient
http://netty.io/ server was recently given a SPDY implementation.

    In any case this should be of great interest also to linked data
folks who need more than anyone else speed. And of course as SSL
is built in, man in the middle attacks transforming your data will
no longer be a problem. Plus you get authentication for free as
part of the protocol ( http://webid.info/ ) - we just need to test it!


[1] I am not sure where the official documentation  
Here [1]. Of course it is only a draft.

Recently, there was HTTP Speed+Mobility proposal [2], which uses a protocol SPDY [1] and WebSockets [3].

Dominik "domel" Tomaszuk

[1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-mbelshe-httpbis-spdy-00
[2] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-montenegro-httpbis-speed-mobility-01
[3] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455

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