On 03/04/2012 15:53, John Erickson wrote:
On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 10:38 AM, David Booth<da...@dbooth.org>  wrote:
On Tue, 2012-04-03 at 14:33 +0100, Phil Archer wrote:
[ . . . ] The actual URI for it is
(or rather, that's the page about the spec but that's a side issue for

That URI is just horrible and certainly not a 'cool URI'. The Eurostat
one is no better.

Does the datatype URI have to resolve to anything (in theory no, but in
practice? Would a URN be appropriate?

It's helpful to be able to click on the URI to figure out what exactly
was meant.  How about just using a URI shortener, such as tinyurl.com or

David's good point raises an even bigger point: why isn't ISO minting
DOI's for specs?

What shall we do? Start a petition? Go on a march through Geneva? (it's nice there this time of year).

Or, at least, why can't ISO manage a DOI-equivalent space that would
rein-in bogusly-long URIs, make them more manageable, and perhaps more
functional e.g. CrossRef's Linked Data-savvy DOI proxy

Yep, that would do the job certainly. Hmmm... unless Crossref could mint URIs out of, say, ISO/IEC 5218:2004 ??

I'm sure it could but is the demand sufficient and would ISO allow it?


Phil Archer
W3C eGovernment

+44 (0)7887 767755

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