On 4/3/12 1:46 PM, David Booth wrote:
Hi Kingsley,

On Sat, 2012-03-31 at 16:51 -0400, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
[ . . . ]
'definition' doesn't work, ultimately.
This discourse domain (AWWW and Web lore in general) is already
littered with literature that's uses  'description' where you seek to
replace with 'definition'.
That's fine.  None of that has to change.  The important thing is to
understand the distinction between the two notions.  It doesn't matter
so much what we call them, though for the moment I'll continue to call
them 'description' and 'definition'.


The only difference between a definition and a description (as I am
using these terms) is that a definition has been specially designated to
be a definition.

Yes, and a good example of that is what you get from the content of RDFS and OWL resources.

I.e., a definition is merely a description that
someone has blessed as being a definition.

Maybe, but sometimes it is also a precise domain (e.g. knowledgebase TBox) specific description.

  This sets an expectation
that if the URI is used in a statement, it should be used in a way that
is consistent with the definition.


The same is not true of what I am calling a description.

Yes, in the sense that 'description' is much looser.

  Anybody can
write a description, and it can say anything.


  There is no expectation
that you should *agree* with that description when you use the URI to
make statements.  As Dan Connolly put it in "A Pragmatic Theory of
Reference for the Web":

    1. To mint a term in the community, choose a URI of the form
    doc#id and publish at doc some information that motivates
    others to use the term in a manner that is consistent with
    your intended meaning(s).

    2. Use of a URI of the form. doc#id implies agreement to
    information published at doc.

This use of URI definitions helps to anchor the "meaning" of the URI, so
that it does not drift uncontrollably.

Yes, but today, that's the dominant pattern for OWL and RDFS resources.

   This is often a benefit, but not
always.  In some cases a URI owner may *want* the "meaning" of a URI to
drift and evolve according to community usage.  That's fine, and that
can be done by providing an empty URI definition.  But in other cases
the URI owner may want to offer more stability, by providing a URI

But once on the Web the user really looses control. There is not such thing as real stability per se. Only when you have system faults can one at least pivot accordingly. Thus, you only get the aforementioned behavior in the context of a specific system and its associated rules.

   These choices are enabled by the distinction between
definition and description.  If we only had descriptions (as I am using
the term) then those who choose to anchor the URI's "meaning" would have
no mechanism to do so.

I don't really agree with that. Basically, as per my comment about illusion of control and stability once a URI is live on the Web.

Where are the resources on the Web today that bear content with
rdfs:isDefinedBy relations in the manner you suggest?
There is currently very little.  As I said, the distinction between a
definition and a description (as I am using these terms) is not yet well
established in the community.

But I have a massive number of resources in :describedby and :isDefinedBy relations. That's my point. I am talking about serious numbers here, certainly over the 100 million mark.

I can show you a
significant amount of resources that bear content with "describedby"
(or similar) relations. Thus, you suggestion ultimately triggers:

1. IANA registration
2. Regeneration of existing resources.

And all of the above, you still have lots of debates to follow.

'definition' is too specific and its intuition value is very low, in
this context.
I guess YMMV when it comes to the intuitive value of the term.  We could
choose a different term if people as a whole liked something else
better.  But the word "definition" is commonly used in other areas for
this kind of role.

Remember, there is a solution to this problem, one that actually helps others appreciate the virtues of OWL:

rdfs:isDefinedBy rdfs:subPropertyOf wdrs:describedby .

Our conversation doesn't contradict the semantics of the relation above. Thus, any reflection of the relation above in your suggestion goes a long way. It resolves my issue re. existing resources etc..

A URI is an Identifier. In the Web medium (or system) it can identify
the location of a Web resource en route to actual content access. It
can also be used to name entities from other non Web realms where
de-reference resolves to a location from which description oriented
content (constrained by content mime type) is accessed.

For what system do you anticipate explicit URI definition being
definitively useful? An ontology for Linked Data? An ontology for the
Semantic Web? An ontology of the World Wide Web?
Semantic web data, Linked Data, etc.


Here is another route to solving the issue of preferred relation
predicates re. wdrs:describedby and rdfs:isDefinedBy.

Instead of simply requiring rdfs:isDefinedBy, why not add the following

rdfs:isDefinedBy rdfs:subPropertyOf wdrs:describedby .
That is exactly the right idea, though there is the issue that both of
these terms have already been defined in specifications.


Yes, but this is the kind of relation that ends our argument while also showcasing virtues of the Web's dimension we are collectively trying to unveil, coherently. It resolves natural human arguments :-)

I can add the relation above to an ontology that I use for my inference
context. Once in place, where you see rdfs:isDefinedBy I will have the
option to see either rdfs:isDefinedBy or my preferred wdrs:describedby.
All of this happens in the TBox leaving masses of existing ABox
relations out in the wild unchanged.

How about that?

I've cc'd in the LOD mailing list as this is a great example of semantic
relations delivering amicability :-)



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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