Hi Martin,

By incorporating PageRank into the decision of what pages to crawl, CommonCrawl is actually trying to approximate what search engine crawlers are doing. In general, search engines would collect pages that would be more likely to rank higher in search results, and PageRank is an important component of that.

PageRank does transfer along the edges of the web graph, so a highly ranked homepage would transfer it's PageRank to the pages leading from it.

My only complaints about CommonCrawl in this regard is that they don't publish their webgraph and the computed scores. It's a valuable resource to have. Further, they should compute it regularly... it seems they have two dumps with two years apart, and if they used the PageRank scores from the first dump to crawl the second, that might be a bit off.


On 4/17/12 3:25 PM, Martin Hepp wrote:
Dear Chris, all,

while reading the paper [1] I think I found a possible explanation why 
WebDataCommons.org does not fulfill the high expectations regarding the 
completeness and coverage.

It seems that CommonCrawl filters pages by Pagerank in order to determine the 
feasible subset of URIs for the crawl. While this may be okay for a generic Web 
crawl, for linguistics purposes, or for training machine-learning components, 
it is a dead end if you want to extract structured data, since the interesting 
markup typically resides in the *deep links* of dynamic Web applications, e.g. 
the product item pages in shops, the individual event pages in ticket systems, 

Those pages often have a very low Pagerank, even when they are part of very 
prestigious Web sites with a high Pagerank for the main landing page.


1. Main page:   http://www.wayfair.com/
-->  Pagerank 5 of 10

2. Category page:       http://www.wayfair.com/Lighting-C77859.html
-->  Pagerank 3 of 10

3. Item page:   
-->  Pagerank of 0 / 10

Now, the RDFa on this site is in the 2 Million item pages only. Filtering out 
the deep link in the original crawl means you are removing the HTML that 
contains the actual data.

In your paper [1], you kind of downplay that limitation by saying that this approach yielded "snapshots 
of the popular part of the web.". I think "popular" is very misleading in here because the 
Pagerank does not work very well for the "deep" Web, because those pages are typically lacking 
external links almost completely, and due to their huge number per site, they earn only a minimal Pagerank 
from their main site, which provides the link or links.

So, once again, I think your approach is NOT suitable for yielding a corpus of 
usable data at Web scale, and the statistics you derive are likely very much 
skewed, because you look only at landing pages and popular overview pages of 
sites, while the real data is in HTML pages not contained in the basic crawl.

Please interprete your findings in the light of these limitations. I am saying this so 
strongly because I already saw many tweets cherishing the paper as "now we have the 
definitive statistics on structured data on the Web".

Best wishes


Note: For estimating the Pagerank in this example, I used the online-service 
[2], which may provide only an approximation.

[1] http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2012/papers/ldow2012-inv-paper-2.pdf

[2] http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php

martin hepp
e-business&  web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

e-mail:  h...@ebusiness-unibw.org
phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
fax:     +49-(0)89-6004-4620
www:     http://www.unibw.de/ebusiness/ (group)
          http://www.heppnetz.de/ (personal)
skype:   mfhepp
twitter: mfhepp

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