*** Preliminary Call for Papers ***

*** WWW 2013 - May 13-17 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil ***

For more than two decades, the International World-Wide Web Conference
has been the premier venue for researchers, academics, businesses, and
standard bodies to come together and discuss latest updates on the state
and evolutionary path of the Web. The main conference program of WWW
2013 will have 12 tracks (or themes) for refereed paper presentations
and we invite you to submit your cutting-edge, exciting new breakthrough
work. In addition to the main conference, WWW 2013 will have a series of
co-located workshops, keynote speakers, tutorials, panels, a developers’
track, and a poster and demo session.

The CfP will be updated later with more detailed info about individual tracks, their topics and program committee members. The conference web site (www2013.org)
will be updated regularly and monthly newsletters will keep you current with
the latest information.

*Important Dates*

Main conference paper abstract registration:
Monday, November 19th, 2012 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)

Main conference full paper submission:
Monday, November 26th, 2012 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)

Paper notifications: Friday, February 8th, 2013


General chairs: Virgilio Almeida (UFMG), Hartmut Glaser (NIC.br),
Daniel Schwabe (PUC-Rio)

Program chairs: Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo! Labs), Sue Moon (KAIST)

Tracks and Chairs:

Behavioral analysis and personalization
Eugene Agichtein (Emory U), Yoelle Mareek (Yahoo! Labs)

Bridging structured and unstructured data
Kevin Chang (UIUC), Peter Mika (Yahoo! Labs)

Content analysis
Evgeniy Gabrilovich (Google), (TBA)

Internet monetization and incentives
Vanja Josifovski (Google), David Pennock (MSR NYC)

Search systems and applications
Soumen Chakrabarti (IIT Mumbai), Wei-Ying Ma (MSR Asia)

Security, privacy, trust, and abuse
Krishna Gummadi (MPI-SWS), (TBA)

Semantic web
Steffen Staab (U of Koblenz), (TBA)

Social networks and graph analysis
Sharad Goel (MSR NYC), Wolfgang Nejdl (U of Hannover), Ben Zhao (UCSB)

Software infrastructure and their performance, scalability, and availability
Torsten Suel (PI), (TBA)

User interfaces, human factors, and smart devices
James Landay (UW), Nuria Oliver (Telefonica R&D)

Web engineering
Schahram Dustdar (TU Wien), Geert-Jan Houben (TU Delft),

Web mining
Tanya Berger-Wolf (UIC), Bing Liu (UIC), Kyuseok Shim (SNU)

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