On 21 Oct 2012, at 14:08, Nicholas Humfrey wrote:
> I have created quite number of examples using EasyRdf:
> https://github.com/njh/easyrdf/tree/master/examples
> But I would like to create a more complete real-world example, demonstrating 
> how to publish Linked Data, as part of a PHP website. However I am not sure 
> what the subject of the example should be!
> Requirements:
> - A subject that people will easily understand
> - A finite number of entities in the domain (in the range of 50-500)
> - An existing vocabulary/ontology for that domain
> - Preferable to already have some kind of identifier
> Ideas so far:
> - Chemical Elements
> - Countries of the World (already covered by World Factbook)
> - British Monarchy

This one. Easily understood, finite number of entities (depending on how far 
you want to go back and out), existing base vocabulary (FOAF, Bio) with 
potential for a few simple vocabulary extensions, lots of opportunities for 
interlinking, and interesting queries. It's virtually perfect.


> - Stations on the London Underground
> - Airports
> Technologies that I plan to use:
> - PHP
> - EasyRdf
> - Slim Framework
> - SPARQL Querying
> - Turtle
> - SPARQL Graph Store HTTP Protocol
> - Twitter Bootstrap
> - PHPUnit tests
> - Some form of visualisation (Graphviz/Maps)
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> nick.

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