I also think this quite important.

What I would really like to see is certain conceptual things in dbpedia is typed with skos:Concept. That gives me some assurance and encourages me (and probably others) to use skos:*Match where appropriate instead of slapping owl:sameAs.

For instance, resources that are of type dbo:Country, can we have skos:Concept for these for starters? :)


On 01/17/2013 01:22 PM, Søren Roug wrote:

I see that you have also added EUNIS links for species. I can provide
you with a much better quality, and I have forked the repo. But I am
concerned about the use of owl:sameAs as the predicate. The community
doesn't have consensus on the species names and we can't even agree
on many species - e.g. is the goat in the Pyrenees the same species
as the one in southern Spain or a subspecies? I don't want some
OWL-aware query tool to be utterly confused.

What I'm asking is: Can I use skos:exactMatch and skos:closeMatch
instead of owl:sameAs?

-- Sincerely yours / Med venlig hilsen, Søren Roug
<soren.r...@eea.europa.eu> European Environment Agency, Kongens
Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K Tel: +45 2368 3660 Jabber:
r...@jabber.eea.europa.eu This email was delivered using 100%
recycled electrons. Please try to keep it that way.

|| -----Original Message----- || From: Sebastian Hellmann
[mailto:hellm...@informatik.uni-leipzig.de] || Sent: 17 January 2013
10:18 || To: Dbpedia-developers; DBpedia discussion; public-lod ||
Subject: Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] [ANN] Add your links to DBpedia
workflow || version 0.1 (this is also an RFC) || || Nice, we received
links to 2 data sets yesterday, already, thanks to || Sarven:
http://270a.info || It is a good start and we are really hoping for
more. Note that most of || the links in
http://richard.cyganiak.de/2007/10/lod/imagemap.html only || point to
DBpedia and not outwards. || || In case you are not a Git expert,
GitHub allows you to upload links with || their GUI: || 1. create an
account || 2. fork this repo
https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-links || 3. click on the "create a
file button" and upload your links || 4. send a "pull request" || ||
We might simplify the way to contribute later. Right now, Git seems
to || be the easiest way. Any ideas are welcome. || all the best, ||
Sebastian || || || || Am 16.01.2013 15:06, schrieb Sebastian
Hellmann: || > Dear all, || > || > we thought that it might be a nice
idea to simplify the workflow for || > creating outgoing links from
DBpedia to your data sets. This is why we || > created the following
GitHub repository: || > https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-links ||
> || > Please feel free to add new files and change the links and
then send us || > a *pull request*.   This message is an announcement
as well as a request || > for comments. || > || > Here is a
(non-exhaustive) list of open issue: || > || > - it is yet unclear,
when the links will be loaded into || > http://dbpedia.org/sparql
(maybe with version 3.9? ) || > - we plan weekly updates to
http://live.dbpedia.org || > - yago, freebase and flickrwrappr have
been excluded due to their size ( || >   > 0.5GB ) || > - there will
be some quality control; not everybody will be able to || > include
any links he wants to include. We are open to ideas how to || >
manage this. Consider "pull requests" as "application for inclusion"
|| > - folder/file structure is still very simple, we will adapt upon
uptake || > || > All the best, || > Sebastian || > || > || > || || ||
-- || Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann || Department of Computer
Science, University of Leipzig || Projects: http://nlp2rdf.org ,
http://dbpedia.org || Homepage:
http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/SebastianHellmann || Research
Group: http://aksw.org

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