Dear all,

In the last months we were working on the collaborative educational content 
authoring platform 

SlideWiki allows to create richly structured presentations comprising slides, 
self-test questionnaires, illustrations etc.

SlideWiki *features* include:

* WYSIWYG slide authoring
* Logical slide and deck representation
* LaTeX/MathML integration
* Multilingual decks / semi-automatic translation in 50+ languages
* PowerPoint/HTML import
* Source code highlighting within slides
* Dynamic CSS themability and transitions
* Social networking activities
* Full revisioning and branching of slides and decks
* E-Learning with self-assessment questionnaires

Together with our colleagues at AKSW we now started to create a comprehensive 
*lecture series on the Semantic Data Web*:

We now almost completed the first lectures on RDF and RDF-Schema and aim to 
complete the whole series by May. We are also working on translating this to 
different languages (e.g. Russian, Persian, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, 
German, Greek, cf. Persian version at:

Please feel invited to contribute to these and other lectures. With SlideWiki, 
we hope to make educational material (on Semantic Web technologies and in 
general) much more interactive, multilingual and accessible.

More information can be found at:
* Documentation:
* Mailinglist:
* Paper: "CrowdLearn: Crowd-sourcing the Creation of Highly-structured 
E-Learning Content"

On behalf of the SlideWiki development team and AKSW (,

Ali, Darya, Sören and the rest of AKSW

PS:  There are also lecture series on Semantic Web Services
( and Intelligent Systems
( in preparation - please let us know if you 
have ideas for further content.

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