Hi All,

We are making extensive use of the VoID vocabulary [1] in the Open PHACTS 
project [2] to describe our datasets.  We are currently deciding how to model a 
recurring use case of needing to describe non-RDF datasets and manage linksets 
to them.

In the VoID vocabulary, a dataset is defined to be [3]
A set of RDF triples that are published, maintained or aggregated by a single 

Since all predicates are defined with a domain/range of void:Dataset, this 
would mean that it would be incorrect to use them for any dataset that is not a 
set of RDF triples. However, this usage is becoming common.

Should we go ahead and use the predicates despite this inaccurate 
interpretation of the non-RDF dataset? 

Is there another vocabulary that allows for the modelling of linksets that does 
not restrict the dataset to a set of RDF triples? I am aware of DCAT [4] but do 
not see suitable linking predicates.

Should we develop a set of super-properties that do not have the domain/range 



[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/void/
[2] http://www.openphacts.org/
[3] http://vocab.deri.ie/void#Dataset
[4] http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/

Dr Alasdair J G Gray
Research Associate
+44 161 275 0145


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