On 5/2/13 6:55 AM, Paul Groth wrote:
Hi Sarven,Beyond the PDF for me is moving beyond the current research communication system as highlighted by the Force 11 manifesto (http://www.force11.org/white_paper). This includes adopting technologies that augment/extend (i.e. go beyond) existing technologies. For example, making data easily accessible and citable, providing links to online content, making multiple perspectives on content available, exposing provenance, using altmetrics. I'm very influenced by the work on Utopia (http://utopiadocs.com) so that's why I think using pdfs are fine - you can do a lot with them as they stand - and for a certain form of communication (written long form text) they work well. As technologist we need to make sure that these new technologies work well in the environment and connect to other things.cheers Paul
Paul, This quote caught my attention, from their home page: "Building BridgesThe scientific article has been described as a _Story That Persuades With Data_, but all too often the link between data and narrative is lost somewhere in the modern publishing process. Utopia Documents helps to rebuild these connections, linking articles to underlying datasets, and making it easy to access online resources relating to an article's content."
Thus, I assume this means that there is a hook for URIs that resolve to data contextualized by PDFs, right?
On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Sarven Capadisli <i...@csarven.ca <mailto:i...@csarven.ca>> wrote:On 05/02/2013 12:23 PM, Paul Groth wrote: I think Harry makes the point better than I can. Paul, I have one last question for you if you don't mind, because it seems like you are not interested in playing this out and I don't want to bother you further: what does "beyond the PDF" mean to you? -Sarven -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Paul Groth (p.t.gr...@vu.nl <mailto:p.t.gr...@vu.nl>) http://www.few.vu.nl/~pgroth/ <http://www.few.vu.nl/%7Epgroth/> Assistant Professor - Web & Media Group | Department of Computer Science - The Network Institute VU University Amsterdam
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