Very nice work, Kingsley.

FWIW, Vint Cerf recently made the same point ...

I'm not sure you can get him to agree that that was the point he was making.  
You are on your own there.

And I apologize in advance for not being an early adopter of your Service.  I 
my particular instance ID Control is well handled by the simple fact that 
nobody else is crazy enough to want a strange name like "Gannon (J.) Dick".  
Firewalls have been trying to educate me for years without success.


 From: Kingsley Idehen <>
To: "" <> 
Cc: Semantic Web <>; business-of-linked-data-bold 
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: There's No Money in Linked Data

On 6/7/13 11:25 AM, Gannon Dick wrote:

Lots of people make lots of money from data, structured data and Linked Data.  
This is a good thing. But data is a perpetuity not an annuity. 
Depends on who is claiming the annuity. For instance, imagine a
    world in which you charge the annuity for access to your master
    profile data.

Master profile data? That's data curated by "You" and culled from a
    plethora of sources that include those Web 2.0 social networks that
    once thought the joke was on "You" etc.. 

The math works fine if correctly applied. 
Yes. Thus, flip the script :-)

Don't expect your Smart Phone or Robotic Agent to have a Banker's expectations, 
they are much too logical for that :-)
Not expecting that. I believe in the magic of being you!

Links: -- for a teaser !


> From: Kingsley Idehen <>
>To: "" <> 
>Cc: Semantic Web <> 
>Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 9:59 AM
>Subject: Re: There's No Money in Linked Data
>On 6/7/13 10:47 AM, Gannon Dick wrote:
>I agree, Andrea, and would further point out that "how much money" is a 
>relativistic question.  Money has an associated Time Value.
>>Money, Light and Linked Data get no Birthday
                      Party, sadly, which is to say they have no
                      Birthday.  Money tries to cheat by having a Time
                      Value but no Birthday.  Light can not cheat: One
                      (1) light-year is 364+(2/364) light-days plus 1
                      light-day (after) every four years. (1/365) is an
                      approximation to "364 days + 2 halves of the same
                      measurement".  This is not a trivial point.
>>To paraphrase your question: What is the Banker's
                      Return on the Time Value of Linked Data ?
>>Answer: Zero (intellectually honest answer), But
                      don't tell Bankers, they are ferocious when
>What about when you apply your formula to the Web?
                  Basically, is anyone (including Bankers) making money
                  on the Web? 
>Funnily enough, I just had a conversation with a
                  Banker that went something like this, as part of an
                  identity verification process:
>Banker said "based on public records, which of the
                  following statements about you is true?" 
>Was the outcome of interaction valuable to the banker? 
>Was the outcome valuable to me? 
>In either case, would money be potentially made or
                  lost as are result of that interaction? It took about
                  5 minutes :-) 
>> From: Andrea Splendiani <>
>>To: Prateek <> 
>>Cc:; Semantic Web <> 
>>Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 4:10 AM
>>Subject: Re: There's No Money in Linked Data
>>Let me get into this thread with a bit of a provocative statement.
>>I think the issue is not whether there is money or not in linked data, but: 
>>how much money is in linked data ?
>>Lot of money has been injected by research funds, maybe governments and maybe 
>>even industry. 
>>Is the business generated of less, more, or just about the same value ? 
>>Another point of view, perhaps more appropriate, is that Linked-Data is a bit 
>>like building highways. You can eventually measure the economic benefit of 
>>having them, but (at least in several countries) it's not something from 
>>which you expect a return.
>>Il giorno 06/giu/2013, alle ore 13:13, Prateek <> ha 
>>For some reason, my original post didn't appear in the mailing list archives. 
>>My apologies for duplicate posts, if they show up here.
>>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>From: Prateek <>
>>>Date: Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 7:16
>>>Subject: Re: There's No Money
                                          in Linked Data
>>>To:, Semantic Web <>, 
>>>Hello All,
>>>I am one of the authors of
                                              the work being discussed.
>>>All the stuff I have seen
                                              till now is about Linked
                                              Data being great and
                                              useful for data
                                              integration within
                                              commercial settings. The
                                              work does not disputes
                                              that. I agree we didn't
                                              use the proper term, and
                                              from the reading of the
                                              work it becomes clear we
                                              didn't complain about this
                                              aspect. The work will be
                                              revised to correct the
                                              terminology and other
                                              feedback from the mailing
>>>The issue pointed out in the work is with Linked Open Data Cloud data sets. 
>>>This is getting limited or no attention in the discussions. Its like saying 
>>>the technology is awesome, lets not worry so much about the 'open' data 
>>>In Adrea's blog he is
                                              saying technology is
                                              mature now. That is great.
                                              But these technologies
                                              have been around for a
                                              while now.
>>>The question still
                                              remains, what about the
                                              'open' datasets amassed
                                              till now? The 300+
                                              datasets which everyone
                                              uses in their slides.
>>>In the blog 
>>>"Yes, there is a
                                                critical mass of
                                                available LOD sources
                                                (for example UK Ordnance
                                                Survey) and also of
                                                high-quality thesauri
                                                and ontologies (for
                                                example Wolter Kluwer’s
                                                working law thesaurus)
                                                to be reused in
                                                corporate settings"
But they have been around for about 6 yrs? Why haven't they been used till now 
besides academic playgrounds or for pure research? Is it not good enough to be 
used? In the hope it will happen one day? In your blog there is a link for use 
case of Linked Data. Why don't we find same thing for Linked Open Data?
>>>(These are all questions which I have pondered about, not a criticism)
>>>I have tried collecting
                                              the use cases before for
>>>The response was limited.
>>>Happy to see the
                                              discussion, but I think
                                              the main issue seems to be
                                              getting sidelined.
>>>Note: The views expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily reflect 
>>>the views of my co-authors of the work 'There's No Money in Linked Data' and 
>>>my employer.
>>>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
>>>Prateek Jain, Ph. D.
>>>IBM T.J. Watson Research
>>>1101 Kitchawan Road, 37-244
>>>Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
>--  Regards, Kingsley Idehen         
Founder & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
Company Web: Personal Weblog: Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
Google+ Profile: LinkedIn 

--  Regards, Kingsley Idehen          
Founder & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
Company Web: Personal Weblog: Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
Google+ Profile: LinkedIn 

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