El 10/06/2013 16:07, Kingsley Idehen escribió:
As I've already stated, the big problem here is wholesale copying and
reproduction without attribution. Every data publisher has to deal with this
problem, at some point, when crafting a data oriented business model.
Every data publisher that aggregates or collects data from other
sources certainly needs to understand -- for their own workflow --
where data originates.

Not just for their own workflow. They have to attribute the data sources in a form discernible to user agents (and other consumers) further up the value chain.

This unveils a new need, i.e., the need for clearly specifying the complete value chain and having trustful provenance information. This would enable new sorts of business, with proportional compensation for contributors in the value chain etc. (of course when data generates profit at the end of its value chain)....


Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D3205 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, Spain
Tel. (+34) 91336 3672
Skype: vroddon3

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