** Apologies for cross-posting ** 

Last Call for Papers

SWAIE 2013: Semantic Web and Information Extraction

Full-day workshop in conjunction with RANLP 2013

Deadline: 3 July 2013, 23:59 Hawaii Time


There is a vast wealth of information available in textual format that the 
Semantic Web cannot yet tap into: 80% of data on the Web and on internal 
corporate intranets is unstructured, hence analysing and structuring the data - 
social analytics and next generation analytics - is a large and growing 
endeavour. The goal of the 2nd workshop on Semantic Web and Information 
Extraction is to bring researchers from the fields of Information Extraction 
and the Semantic Web together to foster inter-domain collaboration. To make 
sense of the large amounts of textual data now available, we need help from 
both the Information Extraction and Semantic Web communities. The Information 
Extraction community specialises in mining the nuggets of information from 
text: such techniques could, however, be enhanced by annotated data or 
domain-specific resources. The Semantic Web community has already taken great 
strides in making these resources available through the Linked Open Data cloud, 
which are now ready for uptake by the Information Extraction community. The 
workshop invites contributions around three particular topics: 1) Semantic 
Web-driven Information Extraction, 2) Information Extraction for the Semantic 
Web, and 3) applications and architectures on the intersection of Semantic Web 
and Information Extraction.


The Semantic Web aims to add a machine tractable, repurposable layer to 
complement the existing web of natural language hypertext. In order to realise 
this vision, the creation of semantic annotation, the linking of Web pages to 
ontologies and the creation, evolution and interrelation of ontologies must 
become automatic or semi-automatic processes. Information Extraction, a form of 
natural language analysis, is becoming a central technology to link Semantic 
Web models with documents. On the other hand, traditional Information 
Extraction can be enhanced by the addition of semantic information, enabling 
disambiguation of concepts, reasoning and inference to take place over the 
documents. The primary goal of this workshop is to advance the understanding of 
the relationship between Information Extraction and Semantic Web.  With the 
adoption of the Web 2.0 paradigm, these technologies further face new 
challenges because of their inherent multi-source nature, while the rapidly 
increasing use of social media  also brings a new set of problems in dealing 
with degraded forms of text such as incorrect grammar, spelling and so on. 
Information Extraction now has to deal not just with isolated texts or single 
narratives but with large scale repositories or sources -- in one or many 
languages -- containing a multiplicity of views, opinions, or commentaries on 
particular topics, entities or events, in very diverse styles and formats. New 
methods and tools thus need to be developed to deal with the changing face of 
data and the changing needs of society. Furthermore, traditional platforms and 
architectures for Information Extraction are not necessarily capable of smooth 
handling of the transition to more semantic forms of annotation. While language 
analysis tools may not require sophisticated ontology handling mechanisms, the 
ensuing lack of interoperability can be problematic when embedding such tools 
and platforms in Semantic Web architectures.


Participants will come from various areas of research that are represented in 
the Semantic Web and Information Extraction communities such as: artificial 
intelligence, ontology population, data mining, machine learning, knowledge 
representation, and web information systems. Some participants will probably be 
especially interested in particular application areas, such as the biomedical 
domain, government, cultural heritage, or entertainment.


We welcome high-quality papers about current trends in the areas listed in the 
following, non-exhaustive list of topics. We will seek application-oriented, as 
well as more theoretical papers and position papers. Each submission should 
explicitly address one or more of the three main topics. In addition to 
presenting specific results, the paper should discuss the more general 
implications for the topics and/or subtopics that it addresses. Where feasible, 
contributions should include a system demonstration that illustrates the key 
ideas of the work and encourages interactive discussion at the workshop. There 
will also be an opportunity to present late-breaking work or novel ideas as a 
2-minute lightning talk during the afternoon; these topics may be the stimulus 
for further debate during the open discussion period.
1. Semantic Web-driven Information Extraction

        • Integrating ontologies/Linked Open Data with Language Resources
        • Enriching Information Extraction systems with Semantic Web 
        • Complex Semantic Web-driven Information Extraction tasks e.g., 
relation extraction, event extraction
        • Methods and metrics for evaluation of semantic annotations with 
respect to ontologies
        • Incorporating semantics into Machine Learning approaches
        • Recognition and representation of temporal information and dynamics
        • Data aggregation, consolidation and enrichment

2. Information Extraction for the Semantic Web

        • Extraction from unstructured versus semi-structured textual sources
        • Dealing with the imperfections of Information Extraction techniques 
in the Semantic Web setting and their impact
        • Multi-source or multilingual Information Extraction for ontology 
        • Information extraction subtasks (e.g., terminology extraction, 
relation extraction, coreference resolution) for the Semantic Web
        • Methods and metrics for evaluation of Information Extraction for the 
Semantic Web

3. Applications and Architecture

        • Ontology-based Information Extraction for specific domains and 
applications, e.g. business analytics, healthcare and biomedicine, cultural 
heritage etc.
        • Information Extraction for social media mining
        • Scalability of tools and resources    
        • Platforms and architectures for automatic and semi-automatic semantic 
        • Tools and methodologies for building and managing complex processing 


Workshop papers submission deadline: 3 July 2013
Workshop paper acceptance notification: 2 August 2013
Workshop camera-ready copies due: 16 August 2013
Workshops: 12-13 September 2013


Submissions should explicitly address one or more of the three main workshop 
topics and not exceed 8 pages including references. In addition to presenting 
specific results, the paper should discuss the more general implications for 
the questions that it addresses. The workshop proceedings will be published 
online through http://ceur-ws.org/. Abstracts for lightning talks should 
describe ongoing or late-breaking work concerning one or more of the three main 
workshop topics and should not exceed 2 pages. The abstracts will be reviewed 
lightly by the organising committee for appropriateness to the workshop and 
published on the workshop website.

All submissions must be in PDF format and must follow the RANLP template 
Contributions must be submitted through the SWAIE 2013 Workshop
EasyChair page (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swaie2013).

Please direct any questions regarding the workshop
to swaie2...@easychair.org


Diana Maynard, University of Sheffield
Marieke van Erp, VU University Amsterdam
Brian Davis, DERI Galway

Computational Lexicology & Terminology Lab (CLTL)
The Network Institute, VU University Amsterdam

De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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