On 6 Aug 2013, at 23:41, Hugh Glaser <h...@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> Thanks Henry.
> Actually, I tried both of those before posting.
> On 6 Aug 2013, at 22:08, Henry Story <henry.st...@bblfish.net>
> wrote:
>> On 6 Aug 2013, at 22:17, Hugh Glaser <h...@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> *Conclusion*
>>> So, as a mac user, the pages I found most useful were
>>> https://plus.google.com/112399767740508618350/posts/62pFBxAm7Ev
>>> to generate the cert
>>> and
>>> https://webid.turnguard.com/WebIDTestServer/debug
>>> to check I had it right.
>>> Also, http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebID told me what the RDF should look like.
>>> It still seems to me that this is not a technology that is very useable - 
>>> it really shouldn't have taken so many messages to help me!
>>> I was thinking of setting up for my users to use WebID on a little social 
>>> networking site I have, but I think I will give it a miss for the moment!
>> Hugh, if you use an end user directed service such as https://my-profile.eu 
>> you can get a certificate in one click.
>> If you choose to use the hard way, by doing everything by hand then things 
>> get complicated. But then you could argue
>> that HTTP is complicated too, if you tried to write one by hand.
> As I said, what I don't want is yet another account to think about, and I 
> knew that from the start.
> Just where does this site have a link that will help me?
> I really, really didn't want to do it the hard way - that is why I found 
> these sites before posting.

Good, you want to do it the manual way, and there things will be harder, of 
course. I think we can
make things simpler, especially with things like rww.io. Perhaps a python 
script that does it all for you
would be the type of thing you need?

>> The video on https://webid.info/ shows just how simple things can be.
> (I assume you don't mean https://webid.info/ which is refusing connections, 
> you mean http://webid.info/ .)


> And when I tried to view the video, it sat there in my browser, saying 
> "loading", so I gave up.
> Actually, I now see that it could have played; but then it is a 10 minute 
> video, which is too long to seem what I wanted (I confess to having an 
> aversion videos as explanations - they are far harder to scan back in).

For describing user interface interactions videos are the best way to do things.

> Now I can see it, I have to say it doesn't start by giving me anything like 
> what I was after - it starts to explain what the problem is that is being 
> solved - I really don't care about that - all I want is a WebID - the easy 
> way.
> It is an interesting video, but pretty far from what I was after.
> As Norman says, it starts off with Alice and Bob, which I know means it is 
> telling me stuff I don't need to know, and will probably be at the wrong 
> level.
> We have mention of DNS, namespaces, hashtag URLs, TLS, X509, X500, LDAP, …
> Finally we get to "Creating a certificate".
> I see a web page with a "create certificate" button, but can't see the URL.
> It is Clerezza on bbl fish, I think, but I don't know how I would get there 
> to make my certificate easily.
> It says that I should do it on the home page, but I confess that I am still 
> at a loss as to where I can find it.
> Sorry if this sounds critical, but I don't think the video is what I need, 
> and feel obliged to explain why.

yes, it's a bit old now, and could do with improvement. The part that is still 
interesting is the piece that shows
how one can make a WebID X509 certificate in one click.... 

So a lot more needs to be done here.


> Best
> Hugh
>> Henry
>> Social Web Architect
>> http://bblfish.net/

Social Web Architect

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