
I am a new member of the list. I am Professor at University of Nis and
entrepreneur actively working in the Semantic Web/Lined Data filed for a
while. This is a questing that I originally posted on Jena-users list,
but I was suggested that I should post it here also.

Let us given an ontology O1 under development that has assigned domain
"d1:". So, we have ownership of O1. For development of the O1 we find
useful to use some knowledge defined in an ontology O2 with domain "d2:". Note that the O2 is an externally
defined ontology not in our administration scope. Let's now assume we
want to create a resource that would be an individual from the class
"d2:C", where the class is defined in O2.

What should be best practice to do: "d1:R rdf:type d2:C2" or "d2:R rdf:type d2:C2"?

I believe both are conceptually correct statements
but I am not sure whether the second statement is in accordance with
Linked Data principles.

Is there a strong "official" argument (backed by a standard, for example, or a
recommendation from a standard body ...) supporting this opinion that
can be used in argumentation?

Milorad Tosic

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