*** Apologies for multiple postings ***

Dear Colleagues,

From January 2014 on, the Linked Data Service of the German National Library 
(DNB) will issue scheduled releases and will be integrated in the export 
releases of the other formats (see [1]). Changes to the conversion and to the 
data modelling will be made in January, May and September of each year in the 

Changes will be notified in advance via the Linked Data Service mailing list 
[2] and the Integrated Authority File GND Ontology mailing list [3]. Please 
subscribe if you are interested in receiving information about future 
developments in DNB Linked Data Services.

In a schedule corresponding to the export releases, updated dumps of the 
authority and bibliographic data in RDF/XML and Turtle will be available for 
download in February, June and October [4].

The following changes in the GND Ontology are intended in the 01/2014 export 

-       Bugfix: The supertype foaf:depiction of the property gndo:definition 
will be changed to dct:definition.
-       Bugfix: The property gndo:StartingOrFinalPointOfADistance will be 
changed to gndo:startingOrFinalPointOfADistance.
-       Bugfix: The properties gndo:titleOfNobility and gndo:academicDegree 
will be changed from object properties to datatype properties.
-       Bugfix: The top-level property of headings will be changed from 
gndo:broaderTerm to gndo:broaderTermGeneral.
-       Change: Subfields 100 $g and 400 $g will be discontinued in GND format, 
entailing a change in the domain of gndo:addition:
         <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
-       Addition: Insertion of rdfs:isDefinedBy in all GNDO classes and 
-       Addition: The SKOS alignments gndo:variantNameForTheSubjectHeading 
(skos:altLabel) and gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading (skos:prefLabel) 
will be inserted.
-       Addition: The preferred name of the linked entity will also be given in 
the Pica+ fields 500, 510, 511, 530, 550 and 551 with URI link in $9, allowing 
this information to be issued in those cases when the GND data contains a 
literal instead of a link to another GND entity:
-       placeOfBirthAsLiteral
-       placeOfDeathAsLiteral
-       affiliationAsLiteral
-       professionOrOccupationAsLiteral
The following changes in GND conversion are intended for the 01/2014 export 

-       Change: Exact biographical data of individualised persons (Tp records) 
will be also issued.
-       Addition: The coordinates from 037H will be shown for geographic 
entities in the GND (record type Tg).
-       Addition: Datatype properties will be issued in those cases when the 
GND data contains a literal instead of a link to another GND entity:
-       placeOfBirthAsLiteral
-       placeOfDeathAsLiteral
-       affiliationAsLiteral
-       professionOrOccupationAsLiteral
The following changes in the bibliographic data conversion are intended for the 
01/2014 export release:
-       In the metadata for maps the geographic coordinates from 037H will be 

Information on the Linked Data Service of the German National Library can be 
found at [5]. This text will soon be available at [6] in English and at [7] in 

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Julia Hauser

[1] https://wiki.dnb.de/x/IoiRAg<https://wiki.dnb.de/x/IoiRAg%20>  (in German)
[2] http://lists.dnb.de/mailman/listinfo/lds
[3] http://lists.dnb.de/mailman/listinfo/gnd-ontology
[5] http://www.dnb.de/EN/lds<http://www.dnb.de/EN/lds%20>
[7] http://www.dnb.de/datendienstinfo

***Reading. Listening. Understanding. German National Library***
Julia Hauser
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Adickesallee 1
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49-69-1525-1784
Telefax: +49-69-1525-1799

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