
** Workplace **
 The FBK Center for Information and Communication technologies (FBK-ICT) 
focuses research on key areas of Information Technology with the aim to produce 
added value for the market, cultural growth, and social welfare. FBK-ICT 
research aims to push innovation through the construction of a networked system 
that involves companies, other research institutions, universities, public 
bodies, and end-users. FBK-ICT research activities focus on three main areas: 
Engineering, Content and Interaction.
More information about FBK ICT is available at
The Data & Knowledge Management (DKM) research unit is part of center for 
Information and communication technologies of FBK. The DKM unit goal is to 
develop foundational, experimental and applied research in the field of 
knowledge elicitation and extraction, knowledge representation and integration, 
and automatic inference. For knowledge acquisition in DKM we develop machine 
learning methods for the automatic extraction of knowledge from big-data, 
ontology engineering methods based on NLP techniques that perform deep-analyses 
of (semi-structured) inputs provided by domain experts. The extracted knowledge 
is encoded in computer interpretable formats based on logical formalisms, 
statistical models, or a mixture of the two. Contextual knowledge 
representation and reasoning, schema and ontology matching, semantic web and 
linked open data are the most important approaches adopted for integration of 
heterogeneous data and knowledge. Knowledge services constitute efficient and 
scalable reasoning algorithms capable to perform logical, statistical and mixed 
inference starting from an integrated knowledge base. These services are 
embedded into applications that support knowledge-intensive tasks, like: 
decision support, interpretation of texts and images, and prediction and 
explanation of observable data.
The DKM research unit is an international research environment where about 
twelve people (three researchers, one post-doc, a research assistant, five 
Ph.D. Students, and two Ms students) tightly collaborate to reach top-level 
state-of-the-art research results, and to develop innovative projects. The 
group has performed consistently well in several international scientific 
evaluations, and is currently engaged in international projects. People of the 
unit are key-players of many international semantic technology initiatives. The 
unit also provides technological support and high-level services in order to 
optimize the internal research activities, namely a shared and efficient 
computing environment, software tools, up to the creation and management of 
large-scale knowledge resources. DKM has collaborations with the University of 
Trento, as well as European and Worldwide research groups in the area of 
knowledge acquisition, representation, integration and reasoning.
DKM exploits its research results in concrete applications. DKM is currently 
participating to two European projects, one in the area of big-data integration 
(PlanetData) and one in the area of information extraction from text 
(NewsReader), and several industrial projects with local and national companies.
Additional informations about the DKM Unit are available at
The DKM Research Unit is looking for candidates to carry out research 
activities in the field of Big semantic data management and integration in the 
framework of information extraction from text. The research position will be 
funded through the European research project NewsReader:
** Job Description **
The candidate is expected to contribute original research results inside a 
leading edge international project. The aim is to advance the state-of-the-art 
in the field of formal representation of event, reasoning about a large amount 
of semantic noisy event information automatically extracted form textual and 
multimedia documents, and it's complementation with additional information 
available in the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud. Reasoning services should 
support tasks like: event co-reference, and detection of relations among 
events, and automatic generation of event story-lines.

** Job requirements **
Applicants should have:
- PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, engineering or related fields
- Deep knowledge and skills in managing big-data storage and server 
architectures (e.g., Hadoop/HBase, NoSQL DBs), semantic web and linked open 
data technologies, large (semantic) data repositories (e.g., RDF triple 
stores), and related reasoning techniques
- Deep knowledge in Semantic Web technologies and languages (e.g., RDF, OWL, 
SPARQL, NamedGraphs)
- Skills and experience in developing Java applications
- Good publication records in semantic web, linked open (big) data, and related 
- Ability to work and deliver in funded research projects, possibly EU projects
- Oral and written proficiency in English
- Good communication skills
- Strong team attitude
The position is flexible and strong applications fitting any of the group's 
present interests will be considered. She/He should have interest in conducting 
original highly competitive scientific research, publishing the results in top 
conferences and scientific journals and, in case, participating in teaching 
FBK is an Italian speaking center. However, it is also an International center 
where many researchers from around the world are employed. Therefore, 
candidates are required to be able to read and write in English, to present 
their work in English, to interface with International scientists and 
researchers and to participate in International Conferences and Workshops.
Due to FBK's attempt to promote equal opportunity and gender balance, in case 
of equal applications, female candidates will be given preference.

** Employment **
Type of contract: Research position
Duration: about 24 months – until April  2016
Work time: full time
Number of positions: 1
Gross salary: about € 33.300,00 per year
Benefit: 28 vacation days per year, flexi-time, work canteen (meals at FBK’s 
expense) or meal vouchers, internal car park, welcome office support for visa 
formalities, accommodation, social security, etc., reduction on banks, public 
transportation, sport, accommodation and language courses.
Start date: Spring 2014
Place: Povo, Trento (Italy)
** Application **
Candidates must submit their applications to and 
complete the online form including the CV and a cover letter (pdf format).
Please include as well a complete list of publications and names of at least 2 
referees and indicate also 3 publications that you deem representative of your 
way of contributing to the scientific community, with brief statements of your 
contribution to each of the three selected publications.
Application deadline:  12th May 2014
Those candidates who will pass the preliminary curricula screening will be 
contacted shortly for an interview. Those applicants who will not be selected, 
will be notified of the exclusion at the end of the selection process. 
During the selection process, in addition to job interviews, candidates may be 
asked to fill in questionnaires, tests or take part in assessment centers.
Please note that FBK may contact those candidates admitted to evaluation within 
a period of 12 months for selection of similar vacancies.
For transparency purposes, the names of the selected candidates, if they have 
accepted the position, will be published on the FBK website at the bottom of 
the selection notice.

Dr. Marco Rospocher
Research Scientist

#phone +39.0461.314342
#fax   +39.0461.302040 
#skype spunky78

Data & Knowledge Management Unit (DKM)
Center for Information and Communication Technology (ICT_irst)
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Via Sommarive, 18               
38123 - Trento Povo (TN)     

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