Hello Gaurav,

We have a vocabulary for defining the relationship of object values  from 
various datasets (DbPedia primarily, but also Art & Architecture Thesaurus, 
Freebase and Yago  among others (or custom datasets that can be created or 
loaded)  to an image or regions in the image (currently defined by SVG).

With our annotation tool (http://www.imagesnippets.com), it is theoretically 
possible to also use other media fragments or geometric relationships as the 
subject (at least you could generate RDFa markup relatively simple with the 

Our vocabulary is called the Lightweight Image Ontology, has 11 terms and can 
be found here:  http://purl.org/net/lio 
and is part of the Linked Open Vocabularies work here: 

This link is a visual illustration and description of the type of use that can 
be achieved with the property values: 
The properties are meant to be intentionally ambiguous and yet useful enough to 
generate more purposeful searches on objects described in images beyond simple 
'depiction'. ImageSnippets is not limited to using the properties in LIO. 
Within ImageSnippets, we also have a semantic search system that sorts on 
property (and with which you can drill down to more precise results) and 
illustrates the usefulness of the properties...try searching for a term like: 
'water' ... (or 'bird',  which in particular returns results that take 
advantage of DbPedia subclass reasoning). We also have a SPARQL endpoint 
updated daily. 

We are listed here under Annotation tools: 

We are interested in other people experimenting with LIO and the system in 
general and/or people who would like to work with us on the project. 

Please feel free to email me off-list if you would like more information. 

Margaret Warren

-----Original Message-----
From: ggvai...@gmail.com [mailto:ggvai...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Gaurav Vaidya
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2014 2:47 AM
To: public-lod@w3.org
Cc: Dimitris Kontokostas
Subject: Image annotation vocabulary

Hi there!

I’m looking at ways of modeling image annotations from the Wikimedia Commons 
in RDF for my Google Summer of Code project. So far, I’ve found an excellent 
vocabulary (http://jibbering.com/vocabs/image/index.rdf)
that would allow me to define parts of images in terms of geometric shapes and 
coordinates, onto which I can attach any RDF data I want.
You can see an example of this vocabulary in use here:

Unfortunately, this vocabulary is (1) marked as still undergoing testing, and 
(2) hasn’t been updated since 2003. Does anybody here know of a similar 
vocabulary that is in active development, or an alternate approach that might 
model the Commons’ ImageAnnotator more closely?

This project is part of my Google Summer of Code project to expand DBpedia’s 
support for the Wikimedia Commons; if you’re curious and you missed my update 
e-mail on this mailing list last week, you can read it here: 

Thanks for your attention!


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