Excellent, Atilla! Do you have a copy of Moein's MSc thesis?

Thanks much,

From: Atilla Elçi [mailto:atilla.e...@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 7:58 AM
To: Obrst, Leo J.; 'Semantic Web'; public-lod@w3.org
Cc: 'Moein Mehrolhassani'
Subject: RE: UML => OWL, SKOS => OWL?

Hi Leo,
Some years ago I did some work on UML=>OWL conversion and putting the scheme to 
use. The following were published:

-          MSc thesis completed under my direction: MEHRULHASSANI, Moein, 
Developing Ontology-Based Applications of Semantic Web Using UML to OWL 
Conversion, Eastern Mediterranean Univ., July 2008.

-          Conference paper: Moein Mehrolhassani and Atilla Elçi (2008): OLS: 
An Ontology Based Information System. Proceedings of International Workshop on 
Ontology Alignment and Visualization (OnAV-2008), held in conjunction with the 
Second International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive 
Systems (CISIS 2008), 4-7 March, 2008, Technical University of Catalonia, 
Barcelona, Spain. Published by IEEE CPS, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3109-0, pp: 

-          Journal paper: Moein Mehrolhassani and Atilla Elçi (2008): 
Developing Ontology Based Applications of Semantic Web Using UML to OWL 
Conversion. In The Open Knowledge Society. A Computer Science and Information 
Systems Manifesto<http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-540-87782-0/>, 
Springer Communications in Computer and Information 
Science<https://springerlink3.metapress.com/content/1865-0929/>, 2008, Volume 
19, 566-577, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-87783-7_72
Let me know should you need copies.

Atilla Elci, PhD. , camp Yeniboğaziçi, Mağusa, TRNC, till Aug. 21.
PS: nemo judex in sua causa

From: Obrst, Leo J. [mailto:lob...@mitre.org]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 8:52 PM
To: Semantic Web; public-lod@w3.org<mailto:public-lod@w3.org>
Subject: UML => OWL, SKOS => OWL?


I'm looking for:

1)       Formalizations, methods, implementations, tools that convert/transform 
UML object models into OWL ontologies in a structure- and semantics-preserving 

2)      Also, approaches that map SKOS vocabularies (especially codelists) in a 
reasonable fashion to OWL ontologies. E.g., as value enumerations of ranges of 
data or object properties.

Concerning (1), I'm aware of early UML => DAML work, circa 2001-2. I am also 
aware of more recent work such as:

Zedlitz, Jesper, and Norbert Luttenberger. 2014. Conceptual Modelling in UML 
and OWL-2. International Journal on Advances in Software, vol 7 no 1 & 2, year 
2014, http://www.iariajournals.org/software/. Also: 

Zedlitz, J., and N. Luttenberger. 2013. Data types in UML and OWL-2, in SEMAPRO 
2013, The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, 
2013, pp. 32-35. 

Zedlitz, J., J. Jörke, and N. Luttenberger, "From UML to OWL 2," in Proceedings 
of Knowledge Technology Week 2011, D. Lukose, A. R. Ahmad, and A. Suliman, 
Eds., Berlin/Heidelberg, 2012, pp. p. 154-163.

Zedlitz, J., and N. Luttenberger. 2012. Transforming Between UML Conceptual 
Models and OWL 2 Ontologies," in Proceedings of the Terra Cognita Workshop on 
Foundations, Technologies and Applications of the Geospatial Web, in 
conjunction with the 11th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2012), D. 
Kolas, M. Perry, R. Grütter, and M. Koubarakis, Eds., 2012, pp. p. 15-26. 
[Online]. Available: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-901/paper2.pdf.

Do you know of other such work?

Also, do you know of work addressing (2)?

Thanks much!

Dr. Leo Obrst        The MITRE Corporation, Information Semantics
lob...@mitre.org<mailto:lob...@mitre.org>     Information Technology Tech 
Center, CCG
Voice: 703-983-6770  7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H317
Fax: 703-983-1379    McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA

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