Chris hi,

i would be interested in  discussing what is the message that will
accompany this new version?

If i am not wrong there appear to be more bubbles than "last time here" so
i wonder is the message that's going out with this diagram that  "adoption
has increased" (e.g. as there were 200 and now there are 500)?

if so, i do wonderif that is not misleading, based on this diagram alone.

For example how many of these are published by independent individuals or
organizations (some IP technique might be handy here also)?

That statusnet,, bio2rdf etc has gone a bit more industrial and
published plenty of dataset is good, but is that significative in
evaluating a general data publishing technology?

More interesting it would be: how many of these are private companies, not
in the context of a publicly funded research projects? are there many that
are just created by "hackers" or students just making a point?

So many of the old datasets seem to have disappeared, what hapened to them?

Are those that stayed alive really and used? (i see who's
biggest tag is "good beers from 2007" the year where it was used by people
at the banff conference)
Is the usage really significant? (is see "apache" "o'reilly" - really?)

So. bottom line.

Sure one can say "hey we gave a definition and we're following it to create
this diagram, everything else is out of the question".

.. and sure it doesnt have to be YOU answeing all those questions above. (i
guess your list of sites is public for other to investigate?).

I would however think it important that the message sent with this new
diagram did its best to avoid being possibly misleading :)

What are your thoughts?

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Christian Bizer <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> on July 24th, we published a Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud diagram
> containing
> "crawlable" linked datasets and asked the community to point us at further
> datasets that our crawler has missed [1].
> Lots of thanks to everybody that did respond to our call and did enter
> missing datasets into the DataHub catalog [2].
> Based on your feedback, we have now drawn a draft version of the LOD cloud
> containing:
> 1.      the datasets that our crawler discovered
> 2.      the datasets that did not allow crawling
> 3.      the datasets you pointed us at.
> The new version of the cloud altogether contains 558 linked datasets which
> are connected by altogether 2883 link sets. As we were pointed at quite a
> number of linguistic datasets [3], we added linguistic data as a new
> category to the diagram.
> The current draft version of the LOD Cloud diagram is found at:
> DCloud/extendedCloud.png
> <>
> Please note that we only included datasets that are accessible via
> dereferencable URIs and are interlinked with other datasets.
> It would be great if you could check if we correctly included your datasets
> into the diagram and whether we missed some link sets pointing from your
> datasets to other datasets.
> If we did miss something, it would be great if you could point us at what
> we
> have missed and update your entry in the DataHub catalog [2] accordingly.
> Please send us feedback until August 20th. Afterwards, we will finalize the
> diagram and publish the final August 2014 version.
> Cheers,
> Chris, Max and Heiko
> --
> Prof. Dr. Christian Bizer
> Data and Web Science Research Group
> Universität Mannheim, Germany

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