----- Dataset announcement -----

We are happy to announce the release of a new linked dataset: the proceedings 
of the plenary debates of the European Parliament as Linked Open Data.

The dataset covers all plenary debates held in the European Parliament (EP) 
between July 1999 and January 2014, and biographical information about the 
members of parliament. It includes: the monthly sessions of the EP, the agenda 
of debates, the spoken words and translations thereof in 21 languages; the 
speakers, their role and the country they represent; membership of national 
parties, European parties and commissions. The data is available though a 
SPARQL endpoint, see http://linkedpolitics.ops.few.vu.nl/ for more details.

Please note that this is a first version; we hope you will try it out and send 
us your feedback!

----- Context -----
The data was created within the Talk of Europe project [1]. To obtain data on 
the plenary debates, we generated RDF from the HTML pages published on the 
official website of the EP [2]. We collaborated with the Political Mashup 
project [3], who provided scripts to scrape the HTML pages. The bibliographical 
data about members of parliament comes from the Automated Database of the 
European Parliament by Bjørn Høyland of the University of Oslo [4]. We 
translated this database to RDF, linked it to the debate data, and made it 
available as Linked Data as part of the Talk of Europe dataset.

----- Access to the data -----
We provide access in three ways:
        • Through a SPARQL endpoint at 
        • Using the ClioPatria web interface at 
        • By downloading data dumps. See http://linkedpolitics.ops.few.vu.nl/.

We use a CC BY 4.0 license. To acknowledge us, please provide a link to the 
Talk of Europe project website http://talkofeurope.eu/.

Kind regards,
Laura Hollink

[1] http://talkofeurope.eu/
[2] http://europarl.europa.eu/
[3] http://politicalmashup.nl/
[4] http://folk.uio.no/bjornkho/MEP/

--- --- --- --- ---
Laura Hollink
Assistant Professor
Web and Media group
VU University Amsterdam

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