>>>>> Luca Matteis <lmatt...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Phillip Lord wrote:

 >> Who cares what the authors intend?  I mean, they are not reading the
 >> paper, are they?

 > Authors might have adjusted things that way specifically to deliver
 > their message.  I think being able to have consistent layouts *as the
 > authors intend it* is a very important thing.  It's also important on
 > the Web: people want their site to look & feel in a very specific and
 > consistent way.

        Well, it’s also why we now have the things like the Stylish and
        Greasemonkey add-ons for Firefox, and the http://userstyles.org/
        resource on the Web (not to mention the whole world of “unusual”
        Web browsers, such as Lynx.)  That is: the /readers/ too want to
        tailor that “look and feel” to /their/ tastes, to get rid of the
        poor design choices of the Web publishers, – and to thus improve
        their “Web reading experience.”

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