Hi Paul,

I'm detecting a snippy disturbance in the Linked Open Data Force :)

The text edit problem resides in the nature of SQL type queries vs. SPARQL type 
queries.  It's not in the data exactly, but rather in the processing 
(name:value pairs).  To obtain RDF from data in columns you want to do a parity 
shift rather than a polarity shift.

Given the statement:

"Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun"

(parity shift) Australians are "Down Under" Englishmen and just as crazy.
(polarity shift) Australians are negative Englishmen, differently crazy.

Mad Dogs ? Well, that's another Subject.

The point is, editing triples is not really any easier than editing columns, 
but it sometimes looks dangerously easy.


[1]  'Air and water are good, and the people are devout enough, but the food is 
very bad,' Kim growled; 'and we walk as though we were mad--or English. It 
freezes at night, too.'
--  Kim by "Rudyard Kipling" (Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)), Chapter 
XIII, Copyright 1900,1901
On Wed, 2/18/15, Paul Houle <ontolo...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: "Microsoft Access" for RDF?
 To: "Linked Data community" <public-lod@w3.org>
 Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 2:08 PM
 I am looking at some
 cases where I have databases that are similar to Dbpedia and
 Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
 particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now
 there are no blank nodes,  perhaps there are things like
 the "compound value types" from Freebase which are
 sorta like blank nodes but they have names,
 Sometimes I want to manually edit a few
 records.  Perhaps I want to delete a triple or add a few
 triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)
 It seems to me there could be some kind of system
 which points at a SPARQL protocol endpoint (so I can keep my
 data in my favorite triple store) and given an RDFS or OWL
 schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can easily
 edit the data.
 Is there something out there?
 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254    paul.houle on Skype   

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