Dear all,
we are happy to announce the beta release of our LD-R (Linked Data Reactor)
framework for developing component-based Linked Data applications:

The LD-R framework combines several state-of-the-art Web technologies to
realize the vision of Linked Data components.
LD-R is centered around Facebook's ReactJS and Flux architecture for
developing Web components with single directional data flow.
LD-R offers the first Isomorphic Semantic Web application (i.e. using the
same code for both client and server side) by dehydrating/rehydrating
states between the client and server.

The main features of LD-R are:
- User Interface as first class citizen.
- Isomorphic SW application development
- Reuse of current Web components within SW apps.
- Sharing components and configs rather than application code.
- Separation of concerns.
- Flexible theming for SW apps.

This is the beta release of LD-R and we are working on enhancing the
framework. Therefore, your feedback is more than welcome.

For more information, please check the documentation on or
refer to the Github repository at

Ali Khalili
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) research group
The Network Institute
Computer Science Department
VU University Amsterdam

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