On 8/27/15 9:18 AM, simon....@csiro.au wrote:

There is the SPARQL Service Description vocabulary.


I recently tweeted about SPARQL endpoint lists [1][2] from our URIBurner Linked Open Data space:

[1] https://twitter.com/kidehen/status/635051731299254272
[2] https://twitter.com/kidehen/status/634346434666569728
[3] http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/c/9DX7S6Q4 -- Paged SPARQL Endpoint Listing [4] http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/c/9CXT67A7 -- Attributes of SPARQL Endpoints known to URIBurner.


*From:*Nandana Mihindukulasooriya [mailto:nmihi...@fi.upm.es]
*Sent:* Wednesday, 26 August 2015 6:46 PM
*To:* public-lod <public-lod@w3.org>
*Subject:* Discovering a query endpoint associated with a given Linked Data resource


Is there a standard or widely used way of discovering a query endpoint (SPARQL/LDF) associated with a given Linked Data resource?

I know that a client can use the "follow your nose" and related link traversal approaches such as [1], but if I wonder if it is possible to have a hybrid approach in which the dereferenceable Linked Data resources that optionally advertise query endpoint(s) in a standard way so that the clients can perform queries on related data.

To clarify the use case a bit, when a client dereferences a resource URI it gets a set of triples (an RDF graph) [2]. In some cases, it might be possible that the returned graph could be a subgraph of a named graph / default graph of an RDF dataset. The client wants to discover if a query endpoint that exposes the relevant dataset, if one is available.

For example, something like the following using the "search" link relation [3].


HEAD /resource/Sri_Lanka

Host: http://dbpedia.org


200 OK

Link: <http://dbpedia.org/sparql>; rel="search"; type="sparql", <http://fragments.dbpedia.org/2014/en#dataset>; rel="search"; type="ldf"

... other headers ...


Best Regards,


[1] http://swsa.semanticweb.org/sites/g/files/g524521/f/201507/DissertationOlafHartig_0.pdf

[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-rdf11-concepts-20140225/#section-rdf-graph

[3] http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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