Thanks a lot Kingsley / Ghislain for your feedback !!

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 10:41 AM, Ghislain Atemezing <> wrote:
> That's a glimpse of Loupe.  We would like to know whether it useful to
> your use cases so that we can keep improving it. It's still in its early
> stages so any feedback on improvements are more than welcome. If are
> interested, we will we doing a demo [1] at ISWC 2015.
> I see your work also closed to the lodlaundromat
> .

Yes. We were looking at LOD Laundromat as a way of harvesting more datasets
for Loupe and also possibility of using its LDF endpoints. May be there are
other ways to integrate Loupe better with LOD Laundromat and we will surely
look into that.

I was looking at the “provenance” tab, and was a bit confused. For example,
> in the case of DBpedia French [1], the source is the endpoint and the type
> “RDF Dump”, while someone would expect “SPARQL endpoint”. Also the creator
> of this instance is you. Maybe it could be nice to use in the future  the
> DUV metadata [2] to fill in this section?

Yes. It's a bit confusing. That provenance information was about the
internal index we created for the tool but not about the dataset itself.
But we are in the process of changing that section so that the provenance
explorer will be about the provenance of the dataset itself using the info
we extract from the dataset. We will definitely look into how we can use
DUV for that. We are also planning to include more explorers such as a one
for extracting language metadata, etc.

In the “ontology explorer” for this dataset, It only shows the OWL
> vocabulary. Is this something related to the generic query used in this
> particular case ?

We extract both OWL and RDFS vocabularies but there is a small glitch in
the generation of that page. We will fix it soon. Thanks a lot for pointing
it out!

Best Regards,

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