Hi Graham,

> Nice work: this could be handy.  

Thanks :-)

> 1. I assume the machine formats are accessible by content negotiation?  

They are accessible by content negotiation indeed. In particular, one can use:
- "application/rdf+xml" for having the data in RDF/XML;
- "text/turtle” or "text/n3" for having the data in Turtle;
- "application/ld+json" or "application/json" for having the data in JSON-LD;
- any other kind of request will result in having the data in HTML.


> curl -L -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" 
> http://www.sparontologies.net/mediatype/text/plain 
> <http://www.sparontologies.net/mediatype/text/plain>

will return the RDF/XML representation of such media type.

> It might be handy to also include direct links on the web page.  For example, 
> I found I could change the .html suffix to .ttl or .json to get alternative 
> representations, but that required guesswork on my part.

That’s right, you can access directly to the related formats by adding .rdf, 
.ttl, .json and .html respectively. I’ll add a note in the homepage of the 
dataset and in each HTML page of each mime type soon.

> 2. Are there any plans (and resources) in place to ensure longevity of the 
> sparontologies.net domain?

Well, actually now the sparontologies.net <http://sparontologies.net/> website 
is handled by me, with personal resources. I would like to keep it available 
without external funds, but in case it will be more expensive to maintain I 
think I can ask for support to the University of Bologna, that’s the plan at 
least. Do you have something different in mind?

> 3. I note that the HTML page indicates cc-by licensing of the content, but 
> there is no such information in the machine readable formats.

That’s right, I have to add these data into the RDF representation as well – in 
my todo list.

Have a nice day :-)


Silvio Peroni, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy)
Tel: +39 051 2094871
E-mail: silvio.per...@unibo.it
Web: http://www.essepuntato.it
Twitter: essepuntato

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