-- Apologies for cross posting --

CFP: Fourth International Workshop on Linked Media (LiME 2016)

This workshop is co-located with the ESWC 2016 conference held in Heraklion, 
Greece on May 29 to June 2, 2016.

 - Submission deadline: Mar 4, 2016 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)
 - Paper acceptance notification: Apr 1, 2016
 - Paper final copy hard deadline: Apr 15, 2016

*Goals of the workshop*:
If the future Web will be able to fully use the scale and quality of online 
media, a Web scale layer of structured and semantic media annotation is needed, 
which we call Linked Media. Drawing on the success of the Linked Data movement, 
we believe annotation of media using Linked Data concepts can be the basis for 
Web-wide media interlinking based on concept matching and relationships. 

This 4th workshop on Linked Media (LiME-2016), building on previous successful 
events held at WWW2013, ESWC2014 and WWW2015, aims at promoting the principles 
of Linked Media on the Web by gathering  semantic multimedia and Linked Data 
researchers to exchange current research and development work on creating 
conceptual descriptions of media items, multimedia metadata publication on the 
Web, and its semantic processing, particular based on Linked Data approaches to 
concept matching and relationships. Specifically, we aim to build a research 
community to promote a future Web where automated multimedia analysis results 
can be used as a basis to integrate  Linked Data-based conceptual annotations 
into structured media descriptions, which can be published and shared online. 
When media descriptions are more easily findable and processable, new 
applications and services can be created in which online media is more easily 
shared, retrieved and re-used.

*Workshop topics and themes*:
LiME-2016 focuses on identifying the state of the art and gaps in research and 
development of new Web data models, specifications, tools and interfaces to 
support the growth and re-use of Linked Media, inspired by the Linked Data 
movement for making structured descriptions of resources more easily available 

Important aspects to discuss revolve around (1) emerging approaches to online 
media description, (2) extracting such descriptions and linking them to 
external resources, and (3) showcasing practical use cases of Linked Media, 
also covering interaction aspects for single and group users. 

The workshop topics include, but are not limited to:
1. Approaches to online media descriptions & annotation
  - Aligning the fragmented approaches to online media description, its 
publication, and processing;
  - Tools and approaches to lower the cost of creating structured descriptions 
of online media resources;
  - New methods of automatic, real time, metadata extraction of any online 
media content (including live streams);
  - Ideas how to incorporate Linked Data into media description (and benefit 
from the additional metadata of the Linked Data cloud);
  - Use of the Open Annotation model for describing online media.
2. Methods for enriching and hyperlinking media
  - Tools and approaches to search and retrieval of online media based on its 
structured description, scaling to the Web;
  - New methods for automatically assessing the suitability of (non-trusted) 
content for interweaving (e.g. violence detection, nudity detection), and 
publishing such assessments;
  - Methods and tools for automatically link media to media at the fragment 
level, including evaluation on standard corpora such as MediaEval;
  - Addressing issues of trust, quality and rights of online media;
3. Presentation, interaction, evaluation and new business models for Linked 
  - New Web applications making use of Linked Media, also across different 
  - Evaluations of innovative services with end-users;
  - Approaches to tracking user interaction with media (and exploiting this 
knowledge to enrich annotations);
  - Emergence of new business opportunities.
Submissions should not exceed 6 pages and are to be formatted according to the 
ACM SIG proceedings template 
(http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) and submitted to 
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lime2016. Papers should be 
submitted in PDF format. We encourage various types of submission:
  - full papers (max 6 pages) for mature research work which has been subject 
to evaluation
  - demo submissions (max 2 pages) for working demos of software, services and 
platforms. These submissions must point to an online interface or video, and 
justify the contribution to the Linked Media ecosystem. 

The workshop proceedings will be published in the ESWC2016 Adjunct Proceedings 
and publicly at CEUR-WS.

Programme Committee:
Patrick Aichroth, Fraunhofer IDMT, DE
Olivier Aubert, University of Nantes, FR
Emanuel Berndl, University of Passau, DE 
Marco Bertini, University of Florence, IT
Pierre-Antoine Champin, University Lyon 1, FR
Jean-Claude Dufourd, Telecom Paristech, FR
Lynda Hardman, CWI, NL
Antione Isaac, Europeana, NL
Ioannis Kompatsiaris, CERTH-ITI, GR
Yunjia Li, University of Southampton, UK
Guiseppe Rizzo, University of Turin, IT
Thomas Steiner, Google Inc., DE

 - Thomas Kurz, Salzburg Research, AT
 - Lyndon Nixon, Modul University, AT
 - RaphaÎl Troncy, EURECOM, FR 
 - Kai Schlegel, University of Passau, DE

Thomas Kurz
Forschung & Entwicklung / KMT

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH 
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austria 
T: +43.662.2288-253 | F: -222

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