
In Paris-Saclay, there is the Center for Data Science 

which works on Linked Data, and the IAS ( ) and the LAL ( ),

two labs that works on Astronomical data.


I don't know about a particular project right now, but there have been 
discussion around.


Jean-Baptiste Bohuon
Master Systèmes Biologiques, Concepts Physiques

Universités Paris-Diderot + Paris-Saclay







> Message du 31/03/16 07:07
> De : "Aidan Hogan" 
> A :,
> Copie à : "ismael alvarez" 
> Objet : Astronomy meets Semantic Web/Linked Data?
> Hi all,
> [Apologies for cross-posting but I'm not sure which list fits best.]
> Ismael (cc'ed) is thinking about a possible masters topic in the 
> intersection of his twin passions of Astronomy and Semantic Web/Linked 
> Data.
> It seems our cousins in Astronomy have lots of problems coping with 
> large amounts of diverse data, and we have the typical integration 
> problems across different observatories, as well as questions of how to 
> make data public in a reusable manner, and so forth. So trying to apply 
> SW/LD methodologies to the area of Astronomy would seem to make a lot of 
> sense.
> However, in Googling around, I could find very little if any work in 
> this intersection, which I find a little puzzling. Hence I'm just 
> looking for pointers to any works or groups or people or tools or 
> resources or papers, etc., in the intersection of astronomy and SW/LD. 
> It could be related to the use of RDF, ontologies, SPARQL, Linked Data, 
> etc., for astronomical data.
> (The only thing I'm currently aware of is the presence of some 
> descriptions in knowledge-bases like DBpedia and Wikidata of well-known 
> galaxies and other general-interest resources.)
> We would be very grateful for any pointers along those lines.
> Thanks in advance!
> Aidan, Ismael

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