Hi Jean-Claude,

The "select count(distinct ?r) where { ?r ?p ?l }” query is expensive in terms 
of database resources and would result in a huge hash table being creating to 
try and service it which is causing it to timeout based on the settings on the 
instance by whoever maintains it.

On http://dbpedia.org/sparql the original canonical English DBpedia endpoint 
OpenLink Software hosts, we provide preloaded VOID datasets, such that they 
don’t have to be queried each time, see http://dbpedia.org/void/Dataset , but 
the French DBpedia instance does not appear to have this ie 

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
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> On 6 Jul 2016, at 12:49, Jean-Claude Moissinac 
> <jean-claude.moissi...@telecom-paristech.fr> wrote:
> Hello
> In my work, I need to know the number of distinct resources in a dataset.
> For example, with dbpedia-fr, I'm trying
> select count(distinct ?r) where { ?r ?p ?l } 
> And I'm always getting a timeout error message
> While with
> select count(?r) where { ?r ?p ?l } 
> I'm getting
> 185404575
> Is it a good way to know about such size?
> --
> Jean-Claude Moissinac

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