I have actually been a member of this group for a while now, but due to some email problems, I was not subscribed to the list and was only intermittently able to follow discussion. I've now got things worked out, am starting to track things more carefully, and will start to participate a bit more. Good W3C practice is to introduce oneself when joining a group, so I do so here.

I am a Professor of Computer Science at the Univ of Maryland and I also head a newly formed institute called the Joint Institute for Knowledge Discovery. I've been kicking around the Semantic Web for a while now, having some background in web ontologies and the like. I've been interested for a long time in the use of Sem Web technologies for interdisciplinary scientific endeavors. Some pointers to my thoughts on this subject can be found in a column I coauthored with a colleague [1] about the Sem Web and scientific publishing, a short piece called "Science and the Semantic Web" which discusses both political and scientific issues in this area[2] , and a talk I give on occasion called "Science and the Semantic Web" which has some examples of work my lab has been doing in this regards (mainly Sem Web tools).

I look forward to interacting with others on this WG, esp. re the ontological work, where I have more background than in the science per se.
 -Jim Hendler


[2] (if you do not have access to Science online, you should be able to link to it through

Professor James Hendler                   Director
Joint Institute for Knowledge Discovery           301-405-2696
UMIACS, Univ of Maryland                          301-314-9734 (Fax)
College Park, MD 20742          
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