>The unstructured-to-structured data effort will deal with how to
>unstructured (free text), but also semi-structured data sources such
>Excel, XML, Relational db into RDF.

1) RDF is a semi-structured data model itself.
2) A relational database is extremely structured.

3) The difficulty of transforming a semi-structured data-base into an
RDF/OWL knowledge-base depends on whether or not the target ontology is

For example, transforming a database into OWL is trivial.  Every
relation is a class, every tuple is an instance of that class.  Every
attribute of a given tuple is a triple connecting the tuple to its
value for that attribute.  Transforming arbitrary XML into OWL is
described by Sergey Melnik [1].  (Unfortunately, Sergey seems to have
lost his Stanford website.)

On the other hand, if you have a specific target ontology in mind, then
the problem is at least as hard as any semi-structured mapping problem.
I say at least as hard because you must decide when to jump formalisms,
then solve the integration problem in that formalism.

Peter Mork

[1] S. Melnik, "Bridging the Gap between RDF and XML," Stanford
University Database Group, 1999.

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