
With GRDDL, on the other hand, you
just publish two document, one HTML on "http://hcls.org/superblast"; and another XSLT on an arbitrary URI. It offers a clean solution to remedy URI's split personality without asking too much from the author (well, xslt isn't
that simple though:-)).

Ahh, I see where you're going. That makes a lot of sense. You could conceive of the end result as a stripped-down version of a semantic web service; not extensible, but easy to implement.

I hadn't really thought before about the dual personality of a URI. It's important, just like you say, especially as we try start to treat URI's as resources and make them stand for persistent real- world objects. It'll be important to get the same URI to talk back appropriately to any interlocutor, regardless if it's a person, a machine, a group of people, a mixed machine-person entity, etc.

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