
I thought this might be of interest to this community...


Personalised Information Platform for Health and Life Services - An FP6/IST
eHealth Integrated Project (No. 507019)

Here's link:

Here's the summary:

The PIPS project will make a significant step forward in the processes for
healthcare (HC) delivery to the European Public by means of creating a new
Health and Life Knowledge and Services Support Environment. This will
improve current HC delivery models while creating possibilities for HC
professionals to get access to relevant-updated medical knowledge and the
European citizens to choose healthier lifestyles. 

The objective is to encompass the entire set of business processes,
professional practices, and products applied to the analysis and
preservation of the citizen's well-being using the latest innovations in
ICT. The project joins HC suppliers, citizens, public organizations,
food/drug industry and services, researchers, and health related policy
makers, that are affected by the health status of individuals and the
population, to create a dynamic knowledge environment that nourishes the
system, and gives added value feedback for personalised and contextualized
knowledge and services to improve the European public's welfare. In the PIPS
scenario each actor is a supplier and receiver of personalised knowledge.
This includes both explicit and implicit knowledge management based on
traditional and new approaches to knowledge discovery out from current
medical practice, evidence based medicine, and disparate knowledge sources
from health/nutrition domains. 

PIPS results will enable: 
HC Professionals to deliver just-in-time personalised and prevention-focused
HC services compliant with the Citizen's personal health state, preferences
and ambient conditions 
Citizens to make informed decisions about therapies and nutrition at any
time/place according to the real-time evaluation of their health state 
HC Authorities to improve risk management of HC systems 
Actors in the HC delivery value chain to get access to and generate valuable
information, assuring the global sustainability of the system. 

It was this that caught my eye:
Jaime Cantais, David Dominguez, Valeria Gigante, Loredana Laera, Valentina
Tamma An example of food ontology for diabetes control in C. Welty and A.
Gangemi (eds) "Working notes of the ISWC 2005 workshop on Ontology Patterns
for the Semantic Web", Galway, Ireland, 7th November 2005. 


Check out some other things on the PIPS publication link:



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