Title: Re: Ontology editor + why RDF?
At 10:15 -0500 3/31/06, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
>On Mar 31, 2006, at 3:26 AM, Danny Ayers wrote:
>> The work done around SKOS (and specific tasks like expressing WordNet
>> in RDF) does suggest RDF/OWL is a particularly good technology choice
>> for thesauri.
>> Cheers,
>> Danny.
>Hi Danny,
>Could you either summarize or point to a reference that explains in what ways this is so?

Alan, I haven't yet seen one document that really nails this, but there's a lot of stuff on the SKOS pages at W3C -- one very useful thing to look at is the SKOS Core page [1] which, near the bottom,  has the materials from some tutorials at the Dublin Core conference.  There's also a getting starting document [2] which doesn't go into the "why" but has a nice intro, easily acessible to the "thesaurus aware" that explains the how and at least mentions some of the benefits (mainly in linking)

[1] http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core/
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-thesaurus-pubguide/

Professor James Hendler                   Director
Joint Institute for Knowledge Discovery                 301-405-2696
UMIACS, Univ of Maryland                    301-314-9734 (Fax)
College Park, MD 20742                        http://www.cs.umd.edu/~hendler 
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